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Everything posted by JB80

  1. The thing is in Spain, it can be an absolute minefield to buy any property and even more so a nice rural one. In the end we chose not to buy a rural property in Spain even though we found many we liked simply because of the legal situation surrounding the land and such. There is so much that needs to be considered and the market is already flooded with cheap properties so it is going to be difficult even before you start. That said any extra selling point can and will help so definitely worth adding the extra info. Short of taking an ad out in an astromag or maybe even ABS I don't know what else you can do.
  2. So Leonids peaked last night? How did that get by without a mention.

  3. In the end I got a few opportunities early on but the clouds dominated. Still what I could see on screen was stunning, I saw the Venus transit but not through a scope and this well and truly made up for it. Tomorrow I will process the few avis I grabbed \nd see but early results seem okish.
  4. Well I have seen it through haze and have 2 avis taken of practically the same shot, looks as though it's a cloud dodger day today which is a vast improvement on earlier.
  5. Ye gads, I think I just did some astronomy

  6. Wow, it's been a grim year looking back but it's good to be posting some images again. Not a great deal of output compared to previous years but still a tough choice. All the Ha stuff taken with a PST stage 1 mod with either a ASI120mm or DMK41. The white light taken with a skywatcher 150PL and ASI120mm. I think I finally started to come to terms with mosaics, one of my better ones. This one shows the evolution of a prom, from memory it was 45 minutes or so. It lifted off completely after I stopped imaging. lol If I can find the data I may reprocess this one eventually. Loops AR2367 AR2339
  7. Wow, I can't believe I missed the showcase threads until now. Lets see what I can dig up. Actually it was my best year so far in terms of getting better planetary results which I put down mainly to the ASI120mm being a better performer than my other cams. Shame though I don't have a lot to choose from but here goes...... All imaged with a Skywatcher 150PL and ASI120mm, possibly a DMK41 for one of the images, maybe. Possibly my best ever Jupiter, not sure. Sorry about the cropping. Obligatory Saturn, tougher than I remember. So here is a double moon transit in 3 channels, I think it was probably taken on January 2. This one is not the best pic but it's of the triple transit last year, conditions were not optimal.
  8. Getting fed up with this humidity, 80% every night for two months. Arrgh!

  9. Going to need an arc if this rain keeps up.

  10. Yeah I saw this last night too and thought the last lot they did were hard to get hold of so I want in on this. Just trying to look now for delivery to Spain. http://www.build-solar-system.com/solar-system.php Edit: Looks like they don't do mainland Europe, shame that. I may have a solution though.
  11. It's clearing up, yay!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JB80


      Well, 1 Perseid and that was all, nothing on camera I think either.

    3. Luke


      That is one more than me, Jarrod! Forecast went downhill for us, it was looking good at one stage, moon tucked out the way for later as well! Hoping for some weekend Sol now, just rain and rain here Thurs and Fri! Look forward to you being back in business. Hope all has gone well!

    4. JB80


      I saw two the night after but dozed off towards the end. Things have gone pretty good with the move, messy but good. Looks like cloud and downpours though this weekend.

  12. Moving house Friday and without realising it I think I may have had my last astro session here. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JB80


      Cheers guys! That is true Gutross, I actually think the LP may be a bit better there. Time will tell.

    3. JB80


      Thanks Jules, glad you have settled in now. It's a bit chaotic at the moment here but I think we are on track. Not panicking just yet.

    4. tingting44


      whats the problem then mate?

  13. My motor focuser is playing up, grrrr

  14. There is a snake in my mail box. eek!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Uranium235


      Hate mail! .... lol

      Its probably looking for somewhere to chill out for a while.

    3. xtreemchaos


      we get the odd adder in the garden late springtime when the males are looking for mates,thay seam to do a dance when two males meet,my dogs keep well away from them thay must know thay have a nasty bite.

    4. baggywrinkle


      I can provide a nice recipe.....

  15. That was a surprise http://www.aapodx2.com/index.html

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JB80



    3. sooot


      Well done jarrod

    4. Luke


      Congrats, Jarrod :D Well deserved, a classy disc. Always look forward to your images. Oh yes, we're all dipping in the pools here in the UK cough cough. Actually, it's half decent today, I'd almost dip a toe in the sea :D

  16. I just downloaded everything after not having it for a few years. At least my old account is still there but if I'm honest I'm a bit confused by everything, it seems to be running SETI at least and I'm still in the SGL team. Is the SGL team part of other projects or just SETI@home?
  17. Is 110km from centre line too far to see an ISS solar transit?

  18. Aargh, windows update decided to happen just as I was setting my scope up, took 45 minutes. Then firecapture didn't want to work and now clouds. :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JB80


      To be honest Ant I didn't do anything, firecapture would read the camera but wasn't running it so I turned it all off and when I started again in the evening it was all fine. I still don't know what was the problem but a restart fixed it for me.

    3. Ant


      Mmmm think mines a little more terminal than that. Tried restore point, reinstalling drivers and software, ccleaner. Glad your sorted though :)

    4. JB80


      Hope you can sort it out soon, sorry I can't be of much help.

  19. Been a big solar afternoon and now time for a quick lunar session and on to Jupiter before a well earned lay down and drink. Possibly some food too.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Hard work all this solar imaging ain't it.

    2. Luke


      I think your rain has come here, Jarrod :-o I am bracing myself for a tough summer solar period, sun tan lotion, sunglasses, cold drinks, baseball caps, but you do what ya gotta do :D

    3. JB80


      Hard life aint it. :D At one point they were saying tomorrow was going to be 31°c here but that has been revised to a brisk 26° now.

  20. This has happened to me numerous times now, I went out and brought a soldering iron to fix it which I have done about 3 times. In fact I ordered a new controller because the last time I thought it was fatal but managed to fix it while it was in transit so at least I have a spare now.
  21. Right, now it's sunny and my replacement ITF just showed up. Grrr...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JB80


      Ta Luke! Well it cleared up here a bit this morning after some rain, I got a mosaic in but we will see if that turns out. Hopefully after next week when it clears up we will be back at the lovely spring temps getting a tan again.

    3. Qualia


      Hope you're right, Jarrod :-) I'm getting fed up with this. I've had two night sessions and two Sun sessions this month and February wasn't much better :-)

    4. JB80


      Hope so too, it can't be any worse.

  22. Moving nearly 19,000 files to an external drive. That's a lot of solar pics!

  23. Think we finally brought a house! Pre contract signed and deposit paid, looking good so far.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luke


      Wohoo, what a day! Congrats and good luck for completion. Lucky No. 7 hopefully.

    3. Amra



    4. JB80


      Thanks Luke and Amra. We are at the point now if we pull out we lose our deposit and if the sellers do they pay us double so I'm certain it will happen now.

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