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Dark Vader

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Everything posted by Dark Vader

  1. Just come in now, thin high cloud causing a halo effect around the moon. Before that, I tried the 2.25x Barlow on a 5mm BST. Probably pushed scope and EP beyond their useable maximum at 540x. It looked better than expected although quite dim. Saw Hesiodus A, a quick look at the Straight wall and back to Gassendi again but it looked better with the barlowed Hyperion IV zoom at 337x. No sign of the Pup tonight though, but Sirius was quite close to one of those pesky streetlights. Whisky o'clock I think πŸ₯ƒ Andy
  2. It's looking very good at 337x with barely a wobble (technical term, I believe 😁) most time so far has been spent on Gassendi with the rilles and small craters on the floor very clear. Andy
  3. I sort of did 1 & 2. My 200p came with the 25 & 10mm. I then got a Starguider 7-21 zoom which was "fair" for a total beginner, and cheap. From that I got 3 Starguiders, the 25, 15 & 5mm followed by a Baader Hyperion 8-24 zoom and matching Barlow. The Starguider 15mm is my favourite of BST stable so far - nice and clear on the Moon at 80x. The 5mm gives 240x and some good views of Mars back in November. The 25 is "ok", marginally better than the stock EP. The Hyperion zoom is just superb and Barlows very well as you might expect from a "matching" 2.25x Barlow. I've had that combo up to 337x on some Orion doubles. Definitely worth the money IMO. Andy
  4. I think that's the best way to look at it. I was out briefly last Wednesday night when the forecast cloud hadn't materialised. Spent an hour trying to get the Leo trio for the first time. Right at the very edge of visibility I could just make out slightly lighter patches that were M65 & M66, but no sign of NGC 3628. 2 out of 3 ain't bad, now I know where to look for 'em I'll get 'em next time, and at 37 and 42 million light years away respectively - unbelievable!!
  5. I find Velcro Ultramate industrial strength very good. Available from Am**on
  6. Btw I just spotted this - looks like it was last night but says there's a YouTube link so may be on there for later viewing. Andy
  7. Hi Alan, welcome to SGL. I got the Olympus DPS1 10x50 to start out and found them to be very good for the money. After a while I got the Celestron 15x70 but still use the 10x50 more often. Although you should be able to hand hold the 10x50 I would advise looking at a monopod and pistol grip head to steady things a bit. It does help. If you go to www.binocularsky.com there's a load of really useful info for starting out with binoculars. Andy
  8. I went out for an early one tonight just to try out using the SkEye app as a push to for the Dob. Total failure, even with a supposed 3 star alignment on Rigel, Sirius and Betelgeuse. Its probably nature's way of telling me to put my hand in my pocket and get a Rigel or a Telrad! Anyway, while I was out I went through some targets in Orion for an hour. Trapezium E&F both visible at 150x Rigel A & B very clear at 150x ETA Orionis clear split with 8mm barlowed Hyperion IV at 337x 52 & 32 Orionis, and Meissa all clearly split at 226x Sigma Orionis, 4 stars clear with the 3 stars of Struve 761 at 150x Stumbled across a lovely deep orange star just up from Alnitak, Sky Safari lists it as v1197Ori. Had to come in just past 8pm for family stuff - not a bad hour. Andy
  9. I use the Lunar Map HD app. You can zoom right in and customise it in other ways, views, object label sizes etc. Andy
  10. Pretty sure I got it tonight with the 200p. Barlowed the Hyperion IV zoom at 8mm with the dedicated 2.25x at (I think) 337x. A very faint speck of light trailing Sirius A at around the 4 o clock position Dob view. It came and went with the seeing but I went back to it after a look around Orion and it was in the same position. Got the best views yet of Trapezium E&F tonight at 150x as well. 😎
  11. Just got one of these, 5 height adjustments, padded seat and very stable: https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/sit-stand-stool/stagg-mt-300bk-musician-stool-tall
  12. Opticron do an L shaped bracket for around Β£10, and I ordered one of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/AmazonBasics-177-cm-Pistol-Grip-Tripod/dp/B01LQX0P8Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=amazon+basics+pistol+grip+tripod&qid=1613822967&sr=8-1 The pistol grip ball head unscrews from the tripod and I put it on a monopod with the Opticron L bracket. It takes my 10x50s and 15x70s with no problems. You can of course just use it on the tripod but I find it easier with the monopod, especially in a garden recliner. Hth Andy
  13. +1 for Starguiders if you're on a budget. I have the 25,15 & 5mm. I got some good views of Mars last year through the 5 but it gives me 240x so at the top end of useful magnification most nights. The 25, while a step up from stock EPs is ok, but my favourite is the 15. In terms of zooms - the Baader Hyperion IV with matching Barlow is very good.
  14. Advice I was given on here as a beginner last year was to avoid an EQ mount. Will you be visual observing only or looking to get into Astrophotography? For low maintenance and ease of use visual only, I can recommend (you've guessed it) an 8" Dob, but they are big heavy beasts. Andy
  15. I had one with the matching Barlow for Christmas and with the appalling weather and still having to get up for work, only got 1st light with it last night through my 200p I am very impressed - it knocks my fixed BSTs out of the park. Had some great views around Orion, finally bagged Uranus and finished with the moon. Didn't try the Barlow yet... It works well in the 200p - do it!! Andy
  16. +1 for taking the Barlow off. It's effectively making the zoom a 10.5 - 3.5 and might not be helping. I have a Starguider 7-21 zoom. It doesn't Barlow very well and the FOV at the 21mm end is a lot smaller. It is easier to look through at the higher power end. The fixed focal length Starguiders are a really good upgrade for the money to the stock EPs. Andy
  17. First thing to do is take it outside. Viewing through a window open or closed won't help. Forget about the erecting EP for Astronomy, put your 20mm in. Align your finderscope, assuming it came with one.(best done in daylight). For now, forget about the Barlow as well. All they do is increase magnification by the amount shown e.g. 2x or 3x. Only try the other EPs once you've been able to find what you want to see and focus on it.
  18. It's easy to get tied up in the search for perfection. Just to help put your mind at ease a bit, here's my 200p through a collimation cap. Yours doesn't look much different at all to me. If your happy with the views and star test then just enjoy πŸ‘
  19. That is nothing to be concerned about. Another recommendation for BST Starguiders - I got the 15mm and the 5mm. The 15 in particular is a beauty, pop one of those in, aim at the moon and prepare to be blown away!
  20. Managed 15 minutes through monopod mounted 10x50s after a heavy shower and between clouds. My SW view consists of a bright orange streetlight and a garden fence and they were already below "scope height". I even managed to extract my boy from his tech long enough for him to get a look through his bins. Lovely looking moon complete with earth shine as well.
  21. I got one of those, along with a premium Cheshire from FLO. Does the job.
  22. No problem at all. It's a lower mag image with the 15 but the clarity is better so more detail visible when the conditions allow.
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