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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. This has been seen before: the SW Nirvanas were clones of WO UWAs. Initial report sounds very promising
  2. Must remember that next time the missus claims I never grow up
  3. Very nice collection. Nice to hear the Luminos 23 does well next to the mighty 31T5 Panzerfaust. Maye you can write a report on it. Reviews of the Luminos are few and far between
  4. A Radian 14mm has landed

  5. I have used my XW10 on planetary nebulae quite a bit (in my F/10 SCT, mainly). Works very nicely.
  6. You should perhaps look into monocentrics. I will keep avoiding short orthos, and stick with the XW/Delos experience.
  7. great report as ever. It is slightly annoying that these to series are so far from parfocal with each other. I have a Delos 8 to fill the gap between the XW7 and XW10 I already had before the Delos line appeared. The amount of refocus needed is considerable. It almost wants me grab the XF8.5 instead (not quite as good as the Delos, however), Maybe I should see if I cannot make some parfocal rings for them. I do not fancy trading the XWs in for Delos equivalents (as there is no Delos 7).
  8. Tele-Vue TRF-2008 focal reducer has arrived

    1. alan potts

      alan potts

      Nice one Michael.

    2. Coco


      These work a treat on the APM 107, as I remember it worked as well as my riccardi I replaced it with much to my disappointment :D

      Works a treat on the WO 110 Megrez also..


    3. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Cheers guys. Grey nights are here! I will have to wait until my vacation in France to test the thing in earnest

  9. My University is 400 years old!! Party this eveneing!

    1. tingting44


      nice, what university is it? are you a student of teacher

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      University of Groningen, the Netherlands. I am senior lecturer in computer science

    3. ronin


      Haven't you a bad back that prevents you attending??

  10. We even had some sunshine just now!!

    1. alan potts

      alan potts

      thanks Michael, now I know I think I can do without it.

  11. At home with back trouble:(

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon.

    2. tingting44


      Think I might have back trouble tomorrow..... Hope your ok tho

  12. Televue TRF-2008 on its way

    1. Luke


      Congrats, Michael. What scope's it going on?

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      the APM 80mm F/6, yielding a nifty 384mm focal length at F/4.8

  13. Not enough eye relief. I have had a few EPs with 15mm eye relief (like the current Lunt zoom) and I find it too tight, on the whole
  14. I think the 26mm would be great if/when I get a faster big scope, like a dob. The 31T5 would then probably not work that well except under very dark conditions
  15. Great collection Faulksy. I also like to see the 26T5 nestled between the 31T5 and the 22T4. Gives me an excuse to get the 26T5 as well (as if I need an excuse) at some point in the future.
  16. Planning a BBQ + star party with colleagues and students for tomorrow

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Hope you all have a good time and that the weather co-operates.

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Looks good for now. Not warm, but clear and dry at least

  17. Upgraded 22Ah powertank now ready for action!

    1. leelee970


      great to hear you're back on track, well done.

  18. Newly upgraded 22Ah powertank charging

  19. 12V 22Ah battery upgrade has arrived

    1. Luke


      Enjoy! :) What are you powering off it?

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Revamp of 17Ah powertank

  20. I have also started storing my EPs in a similar fashion, and never yet grabbed the wrong one (I was worried about that)
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