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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. Tone is rather irrelevant in H-alpha, of course. I think control of scatter is the main issue to watch here. The rather steep angles of incidence in many SWA and UWA designs might increase scatter, compared to narrow-field EPs like the SLV. Maybe a (super)monocentric would be the ticket
  2. Interesting conclusion (SLVs being on a par with TV Plossls). I wonder if they would do well in a Quark (not that eye relief is an issue at the focal lengths used in a Quark).
  3. A 25 mm Orthoscopic should have about 20 mm eye relief, which is just fine for me.
  4. Just spotted a 25mm Hutech ortho discounted at FLO, but I do not think I really have a case for another EP in that range at the moment, i.e case as in reason (or excuse, as the missus would say ), not case as in EP case
  5. Nice to see the collection of BGOs completed, Stu. I only ever had two orthos: a 25mm and 4mm (both Circle-T, both 0.965"). The former was great, but the latter poked my eye out. Never got on with it. Sold both when I sold my home-made Newt.
  6. Very nice collection of kit! Those MVs work well next to TV kit, I have found. Really good value for money
  7. Had a little earthquake here, an hour ago or so

  8. The only reason I might get a longer Ortho is for use in a Daystar Quark (should the MV 24mm not be satisfactory). Alternatively, I might go for TV Plossls
  9. The longest in the Baader Classic range is a Plossl. I find this rather irksome as the only Orthoscopic EPs I would consider have focal length 24mm or longer (eye relief, and all that jazz)
  10. Just buy a bigger case. My Dörr Koffer Silver 50 is huge compared to my old case. old:New with more kit:Old and new:
  11. Not just EPs, I have very handy mini-giro (just used it now) that once belonged to Stu. Drawing a map with lines linking all SGL members who have exchanged kit would give a really dense graph.
  12. Another batch of quince jelly boiling away merrily

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Jelly made from quinces :D

      A quince is a rock-hard pear-like fruit. Great on bread and with paté or cheese

    3. Pig



      Sounds very nice indeed

    4. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      7 jars made today (I have processed 26 kg of fruit this season already)

  13. The T4 line-up are absolutely lovely. Well worth having. The 17T4 and 22T4 are my main galaxy-hunting EPs.
  14. Twelve jars of quince jelly cooling in the kitchen

    1. RT65CB-SWL


      I remember my late grandmother making quince jelly. I can not remember what quinces are!

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      They are like large, yellow, rock-hard pears

  15. michael.h.f.wilkinson

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