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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. Spotted PANSTARRS finally

    1. nightfisher
    2. K3ny0n


      Nice one, What did you see it with?

  2. The sun is out, and my scope is at home: typical

  3. From the album: Solar Images

    Sun in white light, 10-02-2013. APM 80mm F/6, Lunt Herschel wedge with ND3 and Baader Solar Continuum filters, Canon EOS 450D, TV2.5x powermate. Stack of 27 exposures (400 ISO, 1/160s) out of 61.
  4. michael.h.f.wilkinson

    Planetary images

    Some planetary images taken with my Celestron GP-C8 (8" SCT on Great Polaris equatorial mount). Most shots acquired at f/30 with Meade TeleXtender 3x. Data Acquisition with K3CCDTools 3.5.9, processing with Registax v4
  5. From the album: Planetary images

    Jupiter with C8, 2x Meade S5K TeleXtender, SPC900NC.
  6. From the album: Planetary images

    Jupiter with C8, 2x Meade S5K TeleXtender, SPC900NC.
  7. Got first light on my EOS 450D yesterday

  8. michael.h.f.wilkinson


  9. From the album: Lunar

    Moon, 27 Jan 2013, in prime focus of C8 with focal reducer, Canon EOS 450 first light.
  10. Might get a chance for some solar snaps

  11. No chance yet to use the Herschel wedge

  12. Astroengineering dual-mount bar just in!

  13. Trying to fix a broken Windows 7 system

  14. Trying to fix a broken Windoes 7 system

  15. Faffing around with LRGB processing, darks and flats

  16. From the album: Solar Images

    H-alpha image taken through Lunt LS35THa, using ASI130MM. Stacked + wavelets with Registax, background subtraction in ImageJ, colour curves and sharpening in Gimp.
  17. From the album: Solar Images

    The eclipse of 1999. Scan of print of slide, hence lower quality. Contax RTS II at prime focus of C8.
  18. From the album: Solar Images

    Old photograph (29-05-1999) of sun with Contax 159 MM, 8" F/10 SCT, rime focus using nickel-chromium coated objective filter 1/250 s exposure on 160 ASA Kodak Vericolor 160
  19. From the album: Planetary images

    Jupiter, January 12, 2013, 21:41 to 21:44, using C8 with ASI130MM monochrome camera and Astrodon RGB filter set.
  20. Just messing around with LRGB processing

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