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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. It certainly has really got going over the last couple of weeks. Interesting to see a lot of the activity nearer the Poles than i remember when i first started imaging. As shown on the "butterfly" diagram on this page. NASA's Cosmos (tufts.edu)
  2. The Wedge gives slightly better views, but is more expensive. Also once it is fitted in position its not going fall off. A Continuum filter will improve the images definitely, or a dark green filter is a decent cheaper alternative. I would be tempted to buy a Baader ready made filter if you want a premade one. It wont break if you drop it and the film is probably the best blocking filter material. Not sure whether a 3.8 version is available, but i think a 5.0 version would be ok. At least you can use it visually and photographically as well. ASBF: AstroSolar Binocular Filter OD 5.0 (50mm - 100mm) (baader-planetarium.com)
  3. The first thing to say is DONT use any of those cheap solar filters found on eBay, that screw into the eyepiece. Solar imaging is very rewarding, but can also be dangerous if the correct filters are not used . No offense, but "Basic" is not really a term I would like to use about solar filters. Cheapest way is to buy some Baader solar and make a filter for your refractor. You can also buy premade filters to fit your aperture. These both fit on the scope on the opposite end to the eyepiece. So a large proportion of the sun's rays are blocked from entering the scope. I have no experience about how suitable your modded camera is though. I would guess probably not great, but you still capture some detail. Have you used your camera with the scope before, on the moon? I was wondering about focus issues. More than happy to give help where I can 🙂
  4. I saw it as well, it seemed brighter to me than i expected. I dont know if that was the clouds making it feel darker when i was looking.
  5. Very nice Reggie, always interesting to witness these types of events.
  6. I have thought about getting some 3.8 Baader film, to make a filter for my c9.25. imagine the granulation with that, assuming the conditions supported such a large aperture 🙂
  7. There has been so much to see in all the wavelengths recently
  8. Excellent images and sketches Stu, plenty to see at the moment.
  9. They are amazing captures Victor, such detail visible.
  10. I am pretty excited by that prospect, especially with the new view that has recently opened up at the bottom of the garden
  11. I do love the whole daytime astronomy, so nice to be mostly warm and not having to be up at a ridiculous time of the night. That said, i love those middle of the night appointments with the gas giants 🙂
  12. AR2978 and AR2981 in the perfect position today. all White light close up images captured with Evostar 120mm, TeleVue X3 Barlow, zwoasi174mm camera, Baader Continuum filter, full disc at native FL. Captured quite a bit of data with the Lunt as well, including this 2 pane close of some terrific filaments and activity. I have a 12 pane mosaic, that is proving to be a "pane" getting a satisfactory end result, so that will have to wait.
  13. Plenty to see again, Solar Active regions. AR2978 and another complex mass of small Umbra and Penumbra in AR2981 are stealing the show as AR2976 rotates out of view. all close up images captured with Evostar 120mm, TeleVue X3 Barlow, zwoasi174mm camera, Baader Continuum filter, full disc at native FL.
  14. Not sure either Neil, but getting a balance between Sun altitude and the atmospheric temperature still being cool is something i try to get. As with all astroimaging , there are never any guarantees 🙂
  15. superb level of detail on display
  16. Cracking set of images, especially the close up capture. Lovely detail in the Penumbra!
  17. My mistake @TakMan i obviously wasnt taking as much notice as i should have been when i replied. Fine looking close ups though, have you tried Microsoft Ice for stitching, assuming its still available for download?
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