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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Don't forget the lens licking now!!!! 🀣
  2. That is a true addiction @Stu. I know of no cure other than using and enjoying them. Clear skies to you.
  3. Different folks, different strokes...... as always in this life.
  4. Funnily enough, that is just the way I play it with all Astronomy kit.
  5. One simple bit of advice on Astronomy, Never, Ever add up the total spent! It saves a whole lot of heartache, it really does. The views after all are yours alone and priceless. Welcome to SGL and Astronomy, enjoy.
  6. I actually think that is a good call John I know my eyes have changed in the last 5 years and it does now dictate EP designs I can sensibly use.
  7. Hello Stranger, nice to Have you back Shane 😁 Sorry you have been unwell and also so busy with life as well. All we need is the other AWOL @DRT to pop back up again now. I hope you will update that magnificent observatory roof etc. sometime.
  8. It keeps me awake too, but that's because I am at the undecided stage with things again. So eyepieces, mounts etc. all keep me awake at night too.
  9. Well Postman Pete has been a few minutes ago bearing an awaited parcel. Please welcome the Ultima 18 mm to my collection. So pleased with it, I have even forgiven it having an undercut! and that's quite a forgiveness.
  10. Yes, Plossl's were a luxury. I still have my first Bresser eyepiece set of Kellners and Reverse Kellners.
  11. Johns often shown diagram is super, shows many lens designs and helps understand them more easily. Sorry my draw over was so rough.
  12. Marked over John image. Plossl as top circle. The Pseudo Masuyama or AstroPlannar bottom circle.
  13. I don't think other TV product have though or is this competition in the market with more UK TV dealers now?
  14. Plossl are a traditional design with four lens elements. They have a 50 degree FOV. The eye relief varies from focal length to focal length and gets very short at say 8 mm or less. You also get a Pseudo Masuyama like the ones Mark talks about above, but these have 5 elements and are not a Plossl at all.
  15. I have to say @John, I think you have hit this bang on and that you do reach that fork in the path. It may be years, it may be sooner, but boy do you hit that fork. I have chosen the present path with lesser aperture great quality refractor and as you say in my case light pollution has played a part in this. I am sure that another fork will present itself in due time of course.
  16. Alex, I fully understand your budget and its constraints, I am mostly in the same boat myself normally. Just be aware that the Canon EF and EF-S is in the rundown phase and will no doubt end with the newer R series mirror less cameras. That said a good 30+ years of EF and EF-S lenses is a big used market of available kit if you buy used.
  17. Nice, very nice, I bet at f12.8 that is quite something. Does it darken down at that f ratio?
  18. Alex, one thing I hare learnt over the years as both an Astronomer and Photographer is that if you buy cheap, you buy twice or even three times. Nothing cheap delivers long term and is a compromise. A basic DSLR and kit lens will set you going, but over time you will find the compromise issues and want more, that involves change of lenses, camera bodies and additional kit, it’s a journey many, including me have taken. Out of interest, what camera are you looking at? Be aware photography is very much in flux at the minute, lens fitting are changing, mirrorless is starting to rule and brands are suffering a big down turn in sales, some manufacturers will go.
  19. The least worse image, struggling to take a picture with my phone / p&s etc. Sadly no lettering on Vixen ED scopes, but clearly some dust.. But here you go.....
  20. Steve, indeed it would, fingers crossed that the situation improves...... who knows what's in store for us all yet.
  21. Nice one πŸ˜‚ Well the pubs open, off you go then, then you have an excuse Jeremy. Or are we over Caffeinated β˜• today instead? As to the thread, it is not as Takky as I thought it might be. Now off to picture my front element......... sounds very Carry on Astronomy to me!
  22. But he has two, I spy a Tak on the RHS as well, spoilt for choice.
  23. So I have plenty more room going by Ed Tings collection πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†
  24. Short answer....... YES πŸ˜‰ but in a good way. A new way of lens cleaning, but just don't do it on a very cold frosty night, just in case you get stuck. Now how would that look in A&E?
  25. I think this is familiar territory for many of us Paul. I found the way to stop complaint about the scope was to make them plural..... oh and then the dob for good measure. That elicited an evening of discussion about my use of the Dining Room, apparently it's not my astronomy room after all πŸ˜‰ So I did the best thing and said 'yes dear'
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