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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Sorry for your loss Agnes, saying goodbye to our companions is always hard. R.I.P Ed. As others have said, you will always have fond memories each time you observe, I can vouch for this as I started observing with my dear Dad, now long departed, every time I observe it feels as if he is with me again, which I find very comforting.
  2. So entry one for me: Undercuts. The undercuts annoy me as they do snag from time to time and as an alt az manual mount user, a snag means I pull myself off target, very annoying if ramping up magnification at the time.
  3. I thought it was time we had or had a new one if one has gone before this.... What annoys you in astronomy.......... One short input each on a single annoyance. If you have many it's 'one at a time please' on this thread. So time to all let out inner Victor Meldrew out
  4. Interesting thread, you learn something everyday. I have never heard of this issue before, so one for the memory bank.
  5. I know this change took place and feel its for the worse not the better, it was the deeper angle that was causing me issues the most. When I tired to discuss with David Nagler at Astrofest he would only keep saying why the undercuts were so great and showing them to me. I felt customer feedback was not new and was not being taken onboard.
  6. Yes a slight undercut, annoying enough, but nowhere near as severe as the TV ones are now. It is the annoying bit that comes with a great eye piece, I took the annoyance.
  7. This difference shows how quickly opinions can differ on items of kit, driven by likes and dislikes. The kit rarely differs by much in performance, but something grates with a particular user and they dislike the item of kit. Funny old lot us Astronomers!
  8. Post person has been. Recent used purchase delivered, year old, all boxed, very nice condition. DPD has another parcel crossing Germany from APM to Astrograph as I type
  9. We do all see or perceive what we see differently, just ask a group who have just witnessed something! The field stop sharpness was indeed my perceived not quite razor sharp, but not out of focus to my eyes, if it was one or the other I would have been fine. I am sure to others eyesight they would be. So was most glad that I tried one out. As to TV undercuts and other makers too grrrrrrrrr!
  10. Yes, the step up would notice but more in the field of view, its very immersive. But as said before once you hit this price point and above, each step is very small. I recommend the Morpheus, just like all the others in this thread (Delos, XW etc.), but its a like it or not thing with every makers bit of kit.
  11. So as an update, slightly slid from my initial post. The kindly loaned Morpeheus is winging its way home, thank you so much for the loan. It was very nice indeed and I can see why folks like them. However it was not for me t present, our eyes and perceptions all differ on eyepieces. I have now purchased a used Pentax XW in 10 mm flavour and we will see how I go. Some more either side may / will be required,so Delos / DeLite or more XW to come no doubt. Again, thanks for everyone's input to my questions, appreciated as always.
  12. Clearly a plunger to clear any blockages in your equipment Jeremy, it's so obvious 😉
  13. Well sad day, but sensible choice made I hope. Pier unbolted and in the For Sale section. Just the glued in bolts to cut off over the weekend and trim down the cable duct top, sadly some hard graft now wasted, but rest assured the pad will not now sink 😀, if it does Southern England will be in trouble!
  14. Not for sale anymore, I withdrew it. I realised just how good it was and how much I was giving up. There clearly was a reason it didn't sell, it was the Universe teaching me a valuable lesson. I can however wholly recommend a 8 or 10" sized dobson design, very practical, moved fairly easily by many and a decent sized light bucket. Once you see M13 in one of these, your hooked.
  15. @HollyHound now that's a nice bit of glass. Nicos is a top fella as well. Be very interested to hear how you get on with it.
  16. You and me both Mike. Nodded off at Astro club last night, snored and woke myself up, thank goodness it was on Teams and the mike was muted!
  17. Living up to the sellers name, they have re-valued the books @johninderby!!
  18. Calling @paulastro, Calling @paulastro, golden opportunity awaits for comment 😂 Sorry could not resist Mike 😘
  19. Some have sold used via Astro Buy & Sell already. @andrew s
  20. @johninderby an interesting question as I bought a copy following everyone's postings earlier this year. I have tried hard but its too historical and too much depth for my poor little brain to be honest. If the volumes were History, Features, Additional info that would work well, but its just not. To me it feels like the author was bunging everything in to make it 3 volumes. I am normally bookish and patient, this book has pushed me beyond the point of acceptance, a great shame as it has oodles of good information, but too in depth for me. Sorry if that's a spoiler for some, I am presently pondering if I sell it on.
  21. Is that a DSLR shot? I should have said first, nice shots
  22. Welcome to SGL @SECSIO No one bites, all are friendly, no question is stupid - ever. Enjoy and join in.
  23. Thank you for all the answers folks. I had a good idea what you would say anyway, but sometimes asking and getting confirmation is a good things. I have to say me dislike of undercuts has slewed my thinking here, the DeLites I had and sold were great, they really were, sold over raising funds and undercuts. Realising my varying recent mistakes has been a tad expensive, but lessons learned. You know what you like once it's gone!
  24. I asked as I have one as well, and use it in both scopes. I feel it’s an APM 19mm Panoptic, or very close, but with good eyerelief. It works with my glasses and the eye cup is solid yet soft if that makes any sense. My purchase was a test run, I bought the 18 used as I was looking at 30 mm APM UFF for the dob, glad I did as I rather like it in itself. Ordered the 30 mm the next day.
  25. So after 2 years, what are your thoughts on the APM UFF 18 mm @Sunshine?
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