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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Never a truer word spoken...... And @ScouseSpaceCadet, nice review and well thought through. The move from a 150 Newtonian to a nice 4" refractor as you say is similar, no difraction spikes is the winner for me. This scope does sound very good for the money, those Altair and other scopes do have a nice quality of build. I do wonder what the f11 ED100 is like from them?
  2. 50k posts, blimey, @John, you need to get out more 😉 Nice milestone.
  3. Speedy recovery to Steve Tonkin @BinocularSky
  4. I hope Mrs Lockie does not mind the use of eating irons as tools, when I do that my life expectancy reduces considerably! Great Video.
  5. @AdeKing thanks, but no worries, part of the fun journey of life. Once the vans fixed I get to go away so a silver lining at the end, just hope the wallet is not too badly emptied.
  6. Very nice build and looks super, nice job Piero 👍
  7. Glad your scope is easy going about accessories 😉 What I meant was, do you think it looks tak like in quality?
  8. I fully agree, its very much function rather than form in the Telrads case. But a question for you @Sunshine, is the Baader unit fit for a Takahashi or other fine scope, or does it have issues of being too bright etc. that the Telrad does not?
  9. Nice, and an interesting story as many will have done similar. I often womder about the Skysurfer over the Telrad, because let's face it the Telrad is a big lump and looks terrible.
  10. I have pasted images and I can see them @AdeKing, glad you have got it resolved. Somehow I presume that Rowan make a plate for the mount themselves.
  11. Ade, the plate I bought from Serge at Astro Devices with my Nexus DSC looks different, but it not purchsed for the AZ100: Its Australian, so obviously upsdie down in the UK 😉
  12. OK, how about a turn of events I did not forsee, the camper van has a starting issue, we are due away in a weeks time 🤪 So any changes are parked like the van is presently until I know what money is still available.
  13. Ooooh would you look at that undercut Mr S 😉
  14. Lucky you Paul, nice to see a sketch. No luck for me yesterday or now, naughty old cloud all about.
  15. Why limit it to a Kidney, just say, Do you have a body.... oh hang on that has another meaning 😉
  16. Stu has hit it on the head, seeing can be the real issue, my 4" scope delivers small sharp images most of the time, when it does not its the seeing. My 10" shows bigger images, sharp when conditions allow a 10" to shine, which for me is far less often than the 4".
  17. @Kram do be aware Mars will be tiny presently its not well placed for observing, you missed its close approach. But this has been said already.
  18. Sounds wonderful Stu, something I so much desire, but sadly not the bank ballance for now, well not until the builder is finished and based on speed of progress that will be quite sometime yet for us. An encoder AZ100 whichever way you get the data from it sounds a very wise move. I truly love my Nexus DSC, but I can see why a Nexus II works so well for many. Looking forwards to the its arrived images and your joyful posts of its use, may your mount have many adventures with you and give you very many years super service. Somehow I thing the next ice age will arrive before they wear out.
  19. All we need now is really, really, really, really, really 😆
  20. A few answers from me, to get the pro's flowing Push to, if encoders fitted and the DSC, which is very nice indeed. No Polar alignment needed. Its superbly made in the UK. The load capacity. Tracking, who needs it? If your used to Alt Az that is. Its quiet in use, so you can enjoy nature around you. Planet season? are we refering to the Tripod by any chance 😉
  21. I had my suspicions already, but will you be a tracking beta tester one wonders? And I do think the AZ100 on a tripod is the best option and looks the nicest as well.
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