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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I didn’t realise that the thread was about linguistic use and grammar, Honestly I was sure the OP asked about what we used when describing the double barrelled instrument of a Binocular. Languages evolve, have local variation and there is no correct form, only the form in use at the time due to evolving. In the UK we have a flippant sense of humour, often missed by those who speak the language but not a native. We all have an opinion, all equally valid in a society that holds free speech as a core value. I however will not pitch in suggesting that someone is uncaring and uneducated!
  2. I cannot believe that I have resisted commenting so far..... shameful on my part. Anyway, ahem. In asnwer to Binocular or Binoculars, who cares what you call them, just get em out and use them! The most portable instrument you can have, excepting the good old Mark 1 eyeball.
  3. Wow Dave, That is the term 'grab and go; very loosely applied, well done on its application. Your lovely wife, truly must be, as well as very understanding, and approving of the packed down unit. Good luck on the weather and clear nights on the right nights. Enjoy your holiday
  4. Thanks for the link Dave, Had a quick scan through read, will return to it when less worn out, it’s been a long day today. A Vixen, what’s not to like 😉
  5. You should be excited, that will be a fine rig. I also have Pentax XW's at 10, 7 and 5 and really like them.
  6. Thank you, yes it is very nice condition. The lid looks like one from a coffee catering tin perhaps, made me chuckle, but it does the job, perhap @Peter Drew will chime in at some point, I was wondering if Astro Systems fitted this, they maybe drank a lot of coffee?
  7. Not the post person, but me taking a drive to collect. A nice original Vixen GP mount, weights, pillar and a bonus Astro Systems 6” f6 scope as well. All is good for Lunar going forwards as well as planet season. it has an original polar scope as well
  8. Good eyepiece, TV quality and a good amount of eye relief as well. Unlikely it will disappoint.
  9. Hi Stu, that made me chuckle, my counselling continues for the very same reason 😉
  10. On the AZ75 perhaps a comment from me, I was one of the preproduction testers and do not work for or have any financial interest in Rowan Astronomy or Engineering. The AZ75 with encoders works very well with a Nexus DSC or Nexus I unit, I have used tether DSC and found it very easy to use, I use a 103mm refractor, but a Vixen one. The mount sits well on a tripod, but I presently use a 75 on a pier for convenience of setting up. Alignment needs two known stars and it’s simple to do, must be for me to do it. The mount would very much suit the Tak scope, the other tester @Stu has a Tak scope or two, he may chip in soon. AZ75=had two threads running while in testing, one by myself and one by Stu.
  11. The bag did develop the slight fur loss, but the bag and scope went to fund aperture fever at the time. Aperture fever has since passed and presently settled at 103mm for now.
  12. Makes the Badgers snuffling near me when observing feel quite tame now. Thanks for sharing the story Paul, made me grin.
  13. So have you pondered and come up with a plan yet Rob? Curious to which way you will go, I have a feeling I can guess, but you never know.
  14. @Moonshane did you get the observatory completed?
  15. Welcome back Shane, had been wondering where you had gone.
  16. I often ponder about IS binoculars, but the cost is always too rich for me. Having looked at this particular model, perhaps, just perhaps I might be tempted. Thanks for the post though Jeremy as very much food for thought and very apt as on holiday with Binos in Pembrokeshire at the minute.
  17. The advantage of the flanged pier is that it’s easily removed, Hobbies change, folks move etc. I have had 2 flanged piers as it’s not the forever house, so it can move with me, glad I did a pier 1 was removed in fit of change and then replace with pier 2 that’s actually taller. Both worked well and no regrets.
  18. I too am a one scope user Vixen ED103, I have two favourite eyepieces, Vixen 22 LVW and Pentax 10 XW, the 10 until now has been the White Light hero and will remain so, but i have just acquired a Vixen LV zoom for trying in WL solar.
  19. NO, you missed it @JeremyS, it was on page 3 of @Stu list 🤣
  20. I don't astro on holiday other thah by naked eye or birding binos. Holiday is a break from home life which includes astronomy. Mind you Meteor watches and solar eclipses have sneaked in on our breaks in the past. Good luck with making space for some kit, I hope it works for you.
  21. Oh dear oh dear Jeremy, That is terrible. I recognise the screen shot, courier that changed its name recently I beleive.
  22. Oh no, another case, then it has more room for the future....handy that 😉
  23. 40-60 with8-24 range, but all I want it for is Solar in WL and in the future in Ha. Vixen did make wider FOV eyepieces.
  24. Postie has been and delivered another purchase c/o @Franklin, clearly Vixen of course. LV Zoom for solar observation, means all solar kit sits in one box in 'The Khazi', ready to use, just wander out with a scope and a key. Has the Magic words Vixen and Japan.
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