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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Good news to see Meade secure as a brand for one and nice to see @FLO stocking them PST making a return will be good
  2. That is indeed an incredible event, amazing watching the animation. Our Sun is such an interesting thing to observe.
  3. But doing alt az does not guarantee it will be solid in use with a refractor for visual, it clearly might and change the way we all do things, jury is out But a long heavy refractor vibration free ?
  4. I think there will be places for all mounts to be honest, the lighter ones are great for lighter set ups in my view, something solid and heavy, needs to sit on a solid mount and a solid base. I wonder how much weight the tripods can take? on a brezzy day hmmm. Something designed for astro imaging will be different to something for visual use without shakes and wobbles. Let's face it imagers dodn't touch the kit, ley aolone go outside if they can 🤣 (I jest). This thread is about the Pegasus mount and Harmonics, not other mounts so lets talk about that shall we....
  5. Now that is very nice indeed, Lucky you and Happy Birthday as well.
  6. Ok not the Postie Pete, but Palletline instead, new arrival for the pad Pictures etc on Observing Pad thread will follow soon … A1200mm tall galvanised steel pier from Greg at White Star in Cornwall, nice guy and makes a good range of piers. He is on ebay and online, small business, big products. I must note, that huge shake up the Oak post looks terrible in that picture.
  7. These mounts look most interesting and the competition is warming up, I do await the Skywatcher entry and price point, that might be interesting.
  8. Nice images, love the grid overlay one. Thank you for sharing as not got to look today.
  9. LV are / were nice EP, well made, small and very good optically. I would love an decent LV zoom for solar, when one comes up I might get lucky.
  10. I got to see firstish contact, then I went back to bed for a while and of course woke up after thing had been and gone, typical. It would not have all been visible due to the tree lines near me, but, sleepy head will never know.
  11. Looks like decent progress, interesting to watch others graft. Have you a final plan or is this being flexible in build? Material wise, costs are indeed rising as everything else, but some materials go in and out of stock for no imaginable reason, so good luck on the materials supply, just take your time.
  12. The next installment of the ongoing saga..... I have managed to source another pier at 1200mm tall this time, so suitable for refractor use and a larger one in years to come. This is on its way so that will be the next posting, but to finalise where I am. I have made a pinboard for maps etc in the rear of the observing cupboard, red of course to not spoil night vision 😉 I have also produced a first version name plate, for the cupboard and made the name official 'The Khazi' is now adopted hence forth.
  13. Light Pollution from Insecurity Lighting by far, followed as per Jeremy, Undercuts.
  14. I have no idea why I made the swap out Jeremy, a moment of madness, but some calm returns now.
  15. Indeed, papertowel and water was the exercise in my school days, ooooh so many years ago.
  16. Postperson has been twice this week and only just got to open things and post here as its been a tad busy in our lives…… understatement of the month!! A TV O3 Bandmate form @Franklin in the Classified, thanks. And the retrun of a Pentax XW 5mm, stupidly sold to make things lighter... just a 7mm need now to return harmony to my EP case for now.
  17. On a marketing point, indeed not a good name...But for an insurance claim a very good name, ' we did say it was collapsible in its name your honour'
  18. If I knew what a RAM Mount was and what holes we were talking about, I might be able to reply, sorry. A picture paints a thousand words as they say.
  19. Still testing away and its still working well. I did have a drama on Lunar yesterday evening, suddenly woud not move in altitude, most odd indeed.... well until I realised it was doing what I had set it to do with the Altitude Lock on having just changed from Bino viewing to Mono. So all good with the mount but not so good with the grey matter.
  20. An early riser then Paul, at dawn I was still inspecting my eyelids. So thank you for sharing the image.
  21. You got a gap in the cloud, lucky you Roger. Thank you for sharing the image.
  22. Well Postie Pete has been today while I was at work, he deliverd something as rarely found as Rocking Horse Manure..... A Vixen 22mm LVW, only been looking for a number of years. Lucky find on Fleabay on Wednesday evening while sitting in the hospitla carpark.
  23. Funny enough, just in from a Lunar session in the murky sky. Nice to see your image of what I was just looking at and nice it cleared enough to observe all be it briefly.
  24. They only think it.....or They are in Charge. I know who rules our household and it's not me or any of the human kind!
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