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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Stu, replacements are available via European suppliers, but perhaps @FLO may be able to assist, with a replacement cap, not a replacement Dog.
  2. Finally some clear when I can get out, set up and Bino- view of Lunar, grabbed some WL solar just after work as well. Worth all this ongoing work 😃 Got to try my replacement Pentax XW 7mm and now the second 12.5 Pseudo Masuyama Ultima
  3. It was a while back, it would not focus on the ED103, so must have been lack of infocus. But on the Dob, it worked well, just not as crisp as the UFF 30mm or a Panoptic 27mm. But mind you it is/was not as expensive as the other two.
  4. Nice family, when did the TOE sneak in? I fancy a 4mm TOE myself, but trying to hang onto my funds at the minute, but may succumb to click finger.
  5. When do we get a family photo posted up? Nice end to the set and exactly the next one on my list too.
  6. A very nice line up reminds me of what I had a while back a stupidly sold on, we live and learn Surely you will need 2 x 17mm? My old line up, it had the XW 5 in the HP role, which is what I still have. The 30mm was OK, but not as nice as the APM UFF 30 that I now own.
  7. Wow, where are you managing to fins all these LVW's, it took literally years to find my LVW 22. Sorry to Dave @F15Rules, I mentioned it gain 😉
  8. Not sure on that, was more at 12.5 or 13 as the step if I feel is needed if at all. But I tend to have the 10XW in the focuser quite a bit.
  9. DPD not postie with a delivery from Auntie @FLO Another XW7mm, will not sell this one in a moment of madness. So now again have 10, 7 and 5 XW, just the 3.5 under consideration now. Will sit well with the LVW 22mm I returned to the fold a few weeks ago 🙃
  10. Now that is a very different chair to how it comes, hope it works for you now.
  11. You are indeed both correct, but if you don’t have the binos new, how do you tell them apart? It’s the identity after purchase that I am asking about, are the differing in length or something perhaps? Perhaps a question for @FLO via email
  12. William Optics make a 1.6x Barlow for the bino-viewer but also a 2x as well, they look very alike. Simple question, without looking through them, how do you tell them apart as they have no labels?
  13. The Artemis Project is very big and bold and on the timescales and funding made available bound to use established technology. This is not just the SLS rocket, its big, its a a whole plethora of vehciles and the like and is built for a purpose, to get back to The Moon. Yes its painful to watch the process, but if big funding had been made available by the US, then things may have been different. Let's face it, NASA suffers as a political play thing and it's vision and funding goes along with it. Not wanting to set off banned plotics, but what I say is factually correct.
  14. That is a pair of beauties Steve, I don’t often feel envious of other folks kit, I celebrate that they have had a turn of luck, and wow, have you had a turn of luck with that 150, sits with the Vixen very well. And on such a nice mount and tripod too, enjoy.
  15. More good progress made, makes my own efforts feel minor.
  16. Indeed it is, even more worrying with the storm warning just given on tonight’s news ! fingers 🤞 it’s as watertight as the roofer assures me it is.
  17. Now you have done it John….. next 3 months all solid cloud 😜
  18. Thanks for all the images and share Nigella, I have been unable to observe this week as roof being removed on house and too much dust for optics, so very much appreciated.
  19. I just rely on my backsides own padding on my one. @johninderby, I do like your solution and to be honest it would be better for this addition. But my back side is well upholstered in its own rights, too many pies....
  20. Well got a spare moment, which is rare as hens teeth at the minute, so got the pier fixed down, chemical fixed fixings m16 and a lot of various mastics to help level out my slightly wonky concrete lump. All I can say is what a solid job it makes, very pleased and managed to just miss the showers. On a side note showers make me nervous, as we have half our roof under a temporary cover as its being lifted and re-laid. Managed to get a cable for 12v pulled through and 3 additional draw wires for future use, better safe than sorry.
  21. Pete the Postie has delivered my latest smaller purchase to make a binoview pair up. I had one and just received this fine one from a fellow SGL member.
  22. I was thinking the seeing was proabably differening between each scope and that could be the only difference.
  23. Well the pier arrived at the start of the week, all on a pallet and in one bit and undamaged, which is good. Life of course got in the way all week, but managed to mark up the concrete base where the old pier sat and cut out a duct route to run power from The Khazi to the pier, now cemented and drying awaiting the big drill and bolting. Small progress but very satisfying.
  24. Good catch Neil 😉 Sorry it had to be done…. Watching space craft can be quite something, I recall watching a SpaceX deployment of Starlink satellites, which was amazing to be able to see. We are living in quite amazing times.
  25. If you want true grab and go for very short sessions, then I use binoculars, small, portable and instantly usable.
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