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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I hear what the opening post says and tend to agree, but I would ask this 'is an image just not another way of observing?' the pros do this after all. I would also point out that a sketch is in fact an image, it has been rendered with something other than a camera. I am a visual only observer and happy to share observing with others, in my mind the observing discussion is exactly that a place to dicuss queries, odd things seen or just proudly sharing a special moment.
  2. It’s the cluster all the children avoid 😉 In seriousness it’s a super binocular cluster and one I like to look at from time to time
  3. A tripod and the open sky are in my opinion a great combination. I think its part of the 'observing' experience. Keep a tripod and portbale mount, even if just for the targets you cannot reach from your fixed location.
  4. Michael, fully understand the matched look, What is not showing is the More Blue Vixen Rail already fitted to my scope.
  5. Nice prize @mikeDnight, truly deserved. Not even a raffle since 8, wow that's quite a run. How you could even suggest that Rhubarb had anything to do with your defective letterbox, is beyond my comprehension 😉
  6. Lucky you, a clear enough sky to observe and a game of ball too. Nice way to spend your evening.
  7. If I could cope with such a late one or early one as it really is then I would be delighted to have made sucha decent sketch as yours. The one item I an finding is an essential for decent observing and trying to sketch (in my case terribly) is a tracking mount, having just rediscovered the ease and fun of my Vixen GP mount things may change, you never know I might suddenly find my inner artist. The eyepieces you note, clearly have a well deserved reputation, the HR 3.4 I used to have was stunning, it did something quite magical, clearly the TOE falls into a similar if wider camp.
  8. In the Postman thread I noted the arrival of a More Blue dual speed unit for my Vixen SD103. I have had the Vixen dual speed unit on previous scopes and was considering another for the SD103, but having been shown the More Blue unit owned by Tim @Franklin a while back, I knew the direction of travel. Have held off as various issues with work at the minute, but in the end went 'what the heck' and went for it. Arrived direct from Japan this morning and very impressed with the quality of the unit. Fitted this evening, very easy to fit and so smooth and the reduction gearing feels great. More Blue TP571 retrofit focuser kit for Vixen Fits the Vixen 6mm Shaft, Weight 180g and Reduction gear of 1:12 Vixen unit, Weight 170g and Reduction gear 1:7 And fitted to my SD103. The fixing plate on the More Blue unit is far heavier duty than the Vixen plates, This helps make the whole thing so much more rigid.
  9. That's great, thank you for sharing, super image
  10. Not the Post Person but FedEx have been with a parcel from Japan. A More Blue dual speed for my Vixen SD Encouraged by @Franklin to do so.
  11. Welcome back @N3ptune, as they say absence makes the Heart grow stronger. Sketching is still going strong here, and I can still sketch as badley as ever, think like a 5 year old.
  12. Looks like someone has had the 3.4 already, and who can blame them if they are in a position to do so. One day a 3.4 will return to my mitts.
  13. That sounds a great evening, sharing your time and hobby with an interested loved one is priceless.
  14. Interesting idea and good on you for trying this out @Stu. I observe Venus as per Michaels method, but with a fixed nd rather than a variable one.
  15. It is such a shame that Celestron has missed the opportunity to sell a self contained unit to move from scope to scope.
  16. I love my Nadira, but just like everyone else, the strap does my head in as well. I can see this chair becoming the Dob of chairs if you get my train of thought.
  17. Another small and modest arrival today, litte eBay purchase. Reliving childhood, which in my case is no bad thing as I was lucky with my parenting. BrookeBond Card full set. My Brother nabbed the original ones, being 4 years older and 'in charge' helped with that situation in 1971!
  18. Wow that Tal is in for a treat, shows how you value the scope.
  19. Just doubled my reference library of childhood with a used sample Now have this and The Night Sky, both had as a child and these are responsible for my interest.
  20. Wow that was a nice piece on the One Show, you did yourself and the Astro community proud Arnaud. I really liked the link to the past and the surprise at the end. Wonderful.
  21. I cannot help on the mount front, sorry. But a solid Hello Ron, nice to see you are back again, sorry the set backs stopped you in your tracks. I am sure some of the electronic whizzes will help you sort the mount out, its not an old one after all.
  22. Looks great Mike,. I take it that Mrs Dnight is now fully aware of her generos contribution to the cause.
  23. Nice to see that you have one of those fine fettling tools so loved by Astronomers, That well know tool the Pick Axe 😉
  24. I will watch with interest, filming for the One Show is great fun, did it a few years back for work.
  25. @PeterStudz loved that book as a child and have owned one again for a while. Tickles me to include it as a resource for my Astro Club talks each month. The Meteor image makes me smile.
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