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Everything posted by callisto

  1. For once they got it right for our neck of the woods...red warning 🙄
  2. Is that all...nearly 100mph up here last night 😬, a 25 minute drive home took me nearly 3hrs, tree's blocking roads, flooding, diversions...and when I finally got there the electricity and water was out Anyway, it was sort of nice sitting in candlelight all night drinking wine
  3. Sorry, just seen it's in German 🙄
  4. I have the Deep sky guide spiral bound...fantastic book, amazing drawings...love it! There is a one on Amazon uk for £34, nearly £30 off Mark.
  5. It's wild up here...high winds, sleet/snow Some poor guy nearly got taken out by a metal sign at the petrol station 😧
  6. Yeah, the 22nd I believe 🤞 Suppose they have to be 100% satisfied with it...once it's up they can't go and fix it 😬
  7. Well that isn't bad at all is it...well done Mark
  8. Just a bit Lol 🤣 If this had been the 90's it probably would have had Hubble images on the box 🤪
  9. Tasco 60mm Frac (Christmas 1984)...😲 moment seeing Saturn for the first time (bottom picture)
  10. Hmm 🤔...Yeah, John mentioned about your trouble with heat plumes and cooling down times 🤨
  11. Ooh nice image Neil...I'll have to stretch the legs on mine What was the cool time before you took image? Mark
  12. Nice one Always best to start with the mount then build up from there 🙂
  13. Snap!...I got the spare room when my daughter moved out, and it's all mine 😈
  14. Your right...I also have the 10, 14, 17.3mm Delos what cost me a fair bit but I use the others more 🙄 Mark.
  15. Glad your getting used to your mount Dean Mark.
  16. Oh yes, forgot mine 🤪...I use a pair of 25mm BST in my binoviewers for lovely wide views of the moon 🙂
  17. I mostly use my 4.5mm Delos for close work on Moon/planets along with a 7mm Nirvana...big widefield scanning with my ES 34mm & 24mm Maxvision...and my OVL 7.2mm-21.5mm zoom for solar work
  18. For me it has to be the changing of my postie...my goodies no longer come very early in the morning when my wife's in, but now comes late afternoon when she's not 🤭 That's revolutionised my viewing 🤣 Seriously though...I love my EQ platform for planetary viewing
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