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Everything posted by callisto

  1. Cheers...I have the 224c, never used it yet 🙄
  2. Very good 👍 What camera did you use? Mark
  3. Very nice Dean I recently acquired a used CEM25...I love it, but mine hasn't got built in wi fi so I purchased the adapter from FLO...have yet to use it with SkySafari 🤔 Mark
  4. A big welcome from me too Mark
  5. I thought that was somewhere in France?...just kidding 🤣
  6. Not a video but I highly recommend this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/affinity-photo-astrophotography-image-processing-guide-second-edition.html Mark
  7. I'll throw a spanner in the works...in the first image I see a long necked squirrel with it's bushy tail to its left 😊
  8. I've got a pair of 25mm Starguider eyepieces, think I'll give them a go on my bino viewers Mark.
  9. Which eyepieces did you use? Cheers, Mark
  10. Here is a couple https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/david-chandler-night-sky-planisphere.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/david-chandler-night-sky-planisphere-cardboard.html https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/collins-planisphere.html
  11. Thanks for the info 👍 I'm always curious to know other peoples methods/equip etc, Mark
  12. What mount/camera did you use Mark and what were your exposure times? Mark
  13. American's and roundabout's always remind me of this 🤣......
  14. Yeah, very true I used to have the Askar ACL 200mm f/4 lens...tack sharp but a heavy lump at 1.8kg and way over budget 🙄
  15. There's a one for sale at ENS but it's collection or arranged delivery. https://ensoptical.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=12214
  16. Was just going to suggest those...you beat me to it
  17. Yeah, you need to keep the load weight down as much as you can...keep an eye out for a used Redcat, although it would be at the top of you budget
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