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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. Thank you @jambouk I have this name on the 'frontispiece'. My edition also mentions, 'Introduction' by: L. F. de Vic Carey, Brigadier, G.S. 'Author's Preface' by C. A. Biddle Hi @Marvin Jenkins... I only paid £3.00GBP. Publishers price was £2. 17s 6d or £2.88 in todays money if decimalisation was around then... which I know it was not! Allowing for inflation [from 1960 to 2021] that works out at £68.04 in todays money at time of submitting this reply, an increase of... 2,262.43% 🤑
  2. Not sure whether this is the correct place for this, but at a car-boot sale today I found and purchased a copy of the reference book ‘Text Book of Field Astronomy’ - second impression - published November, 1960. It was published by HMSO and the War Office. For its age and condition, (just a some minor wear and tear to the dust-jacket), it is very clean inside and out, no handwritten notes or ‘sticky-notes’ stuck to pages, etc., by [the] previous owner or owners. If anyone has used this book, or other editions and would like to share your comments, please feel free to respond. Thank you. image #1... book dust-jacket and slip-case. image #2... dust jacket removed showing hardcover and spine. image #3... quote: ‘PLATE XII DIAGRAM FOR SOLVING THE ASTRONOMICAL TRIANGLE’ image #4... notes on the dust-jacket. image 5... close-up of the slip-case text.
  3. Looking at the above listing, it is looks like a 'Fun-day' too! 😉 ...I will be at work at LHR from 04:00BST 😒
  4. I tend to use both on my C6/SCT. I have also used a 4x20 air-rifle telescopic sight on my TV Ranger and ETX105 before the 're-mod'.
  5. Hi @Gonariu and welcome to SGL.
  6. Hi @Marfa and welcome to SGL.
  7. Hi @Jin and welcome to SGL. Just to add that when dinosaurs were living their lives on Earth, some of the stars that we now see were just being born or dying too!
  8. Mine needs to get out more often... The TV Nagler T1 weighs more than the 50mm OTA + star diagonal + TV Nagler T6 combined! BTW - both TV Nagler's are 13mm
  9. Cygnus is my favourite summer constellation… especially with binoculars and with or without a sun lounger.
  10. It would need to be a full aperture filter, either solar safety film or glass. I seem to recall one ‘specialist filter brand’ also makes solar filters in polymer that are threaded for use with camera lenses. Any solar filter, irrespective of what material it is made from needs to be checked for pinholes, scratches, etc., before each and every use. If in doubt, do not use it... and to finish off... DO NOT BUY THIS TYPE…
  11. Hi again @Aneko1991 For the planets then a Maksutov or SCT as shown in my earlier reply. The bigger of the the two ‘scopes in the last image is a Celestron C6/SCT and the other one is my ‘re-modded’ Meade ETX105. They can be expensive, but the views are priceless. Don’t rule out other telescope designs either, (i.e. ‘Dobsonian’ or refractor). ‘Dobsonian’ tend to be bulky and best beginners ‘scope for those wishing to start and budget is financially limited. Refractors, like Maksutov’s and SCT’s are or maybe be expensive too. Tend to be long and a sturdy mount, plus sturdy tripod or pillar is preferred. My refractor, as shown earlier is a 480mm/70mm and can be used with a photo/video tripod and mount, and can be transported with ease. If you are not in a rush to purchase, then binoculars will suffice and can be used for other outdoor pursuits and hobbies. Finally, please do not set up and use in an attic because… Vibrations from the attic floor or other floors in the dwelling if the other rooms are in use whilst you are viewing. Heat rises. Views will be awful and not steady.
  12. It was cloudy here (home) before I left for LHR (work) and not worth the hassle and effort to setup a ‘scope and tripod, etc, as the solar/lunar discs were covered by passing clouds. Managed to capture the image below with my Thousand Oaks type 2+ glass solar filter covering my iPhone 12 camera, (all handheld), after a gap in the clouds and the eclipse had ended and more passing cloud.
  13. Nice capture. I would not like to be on the receiving end of that CME ...or anywhere close to it!
  14. Hi @Aneko1991 and welcome to SGL. Depending on what you wish to view/observe depends on what type of ‘scope you choose… no telescope does all. May I suggest that you read this article… https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginnertelescopes.htmlhttps://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes.html If you decide to buy separate components; then what type of mount is suitable for OTA ‘A’ and will it be suitable should you upgrade to OTA ‘B’ later on. There are many different types, (i.e. manual, alt-az, goto, eq, etc.), ease of transport, temporary or permanent setup. I personally like alt-az mounts, (images below), as they do not require polar alignment and easy setup at short notice.
  15. In my earlier reply I said I was “…satisfied…” - and thinking about it, it is a bit misleading. For value and build quality, I cannot fault it. My only gripe is that the image you are viewing is green when used with a solar continuum filter. I had been used to using a Thousand Oaks type 2+ glass full aperture prior to purchasing it and the image viewed is yellow/orange. I feel as if I have been “…Tango’d”… for those that remember the advertisements and commercial breaks for a brand of soft drink during the 1980’s.
  16. Best wishes and clear skies during your retirement. 🥂🍾
  17. I use the Celestron f6.3 FF/FR with my 're-modded' ETX105 [and C6/SCT] and I have no known issues. As far as I am aware, a dedicated FF/FR for Maksutov 'scopes are hard to acquire or non-existant. note: The last image showing my ETX105 with an SCT extension tube between the OTA and 1.25" visual back and 1.25" star diagonal and no FF/FR.
  18. Just received a package of five 1/4" [female] to 3/8" [male] via an online warehouse in the far-east within two weeks of ordering. I can now use my trigger-grip mount with my monopods and have spares... in case I lose one or four.
  19. Thank you @oleg_astro... downloading it now!
  20. Can you not 'copy & paste' from your laptop to iPad ? ...that said, 'un-zipped' will use a lot of storage space on the iPad. I have it spread [a bit like Marmite or Vegemite] on two or three DVD-discs and one CD-disc... though I have not 'copy & paste' to my iPad and/or Android OS tablet.
  21. Welcome back to SGL @fatwoul.
  22. Hi @Grumpy Martian My ‘de-forked’ ETX105 OTA in its current form/guise weighs approx. 5.75lbs / 2.60kg's as shown below. The OTA diameter is approx. 4.88inches / 124mm.
  23. I suspect the ring of lights is to protect the building from low flying aircraft or let people know where the edge is. Sixteen storeys high is a long way up or a long way down. Depending on what storey/floor you live on to reach the rooftop patio maybe a bit of a chore if you have a health condition and have to setup a 6" or 10" 'Newtonian'/'Dobsonian'... (though the 6" maybe not so much)... and what if the elevator is out of use due to planned maintenance, etc.? I live in a small apartment build, [two storeys/floors... ground and first floor] and I use either a 70mm refractor, 105mm Mak., or a 6" SCT and take up very little storage space when not in use. All are manageable and easy setup on my own. I think anything bigger than an 8" or 9.25 SCT you would need at least two people to attach it to a suitable mount. As an alternative, have you thought about or considered a pair of binoculars and monopod or tripod? BTW - the 105mm Mak., is a 're-modded' Meade ETX105.
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