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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. Here in GB/UK 🇬🇧 'we' are protected by various consumer and distance selling laws/rules protecting the customer. It is the responsibility of the reseller/supplier to put right... not the end user/consumer/customer.
  2. The late Sir Patrick Moore is often quoted to have said: "...50x per inch of aperture". Under a perfect clear sky getting an unrealistically high magnification maybe possible... even with a high quality eyepiece. That said, I would not go above the 200x for visual. Simple reason is that what you are viewing target will rapidly drift/move across the field of view in a very short space of time due to the Earth's rotation and you are forever manually tracking the 'scope in alt-az to compensate it and after a while it is not going to be fun. For imaging you maybe able to get away with it.
  3. At least @HiveIndustries no longer has a ‘lemon’… 😜🍋🔭
  4. Hi @clean and welcome to SGL. Congratulations on getting the ‘scope. With regard to e/p’s, stick with what you have until you and your son get used it. The ‘best value’ e/p’s at he time of writing tend to be these… https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html
  5. RT65CB-SWL

    Hi All

    Hi @Strumpit and welcome to SGL.
  6. Hi @Geremia and welcome to SGL.
  7. Hi @slaine and welcome to SGL.
  8. The only TeleVue e/p that I have an issue with the filter thread is this one… the 6mm Radian. Not sure though if the others in the series had the same issue.
  9. Hi @Zenny and welcome to SGL. What a great idea! Along with other SGL’ers… I too would think a ‘Dobsonian’ telescope, a zoom eyepiece and pair of binoculars would be a good starting point. If you get binoculars you will also need a photo or video tripod and a mount for them. Below is an image of the mount I use my binoculars on… Attached below is a useful set of instructions/guide to the mount written by SGL’er @BinocularSky TG-manual.pdf Other things to consider purchasing… upgrading the ‘scopes supplied eyepieces red torch/light star atlas/charts planisphere
  10. Off... when I am at the 'scope, binoculars or camera viewfinder. On... when looking at the camera display. When I am viewing at high power at the eyepiece, I sometimes see a lot of 'floaters'.
  11. That is a definite case of 'light trespass' in the eyes of CfDS... and your local authority. Light should only be directed within the confines of his property, not the surrounding neighbourhood. If you have some 'before' and 'after' images, then that is more ammunition in your arsenal to present your case. If he refuses to play ball, then tell the local authority officer that it is ruining your family sleep pattern.
  12. …and two from replies earlier today or three if you include mine.
  13. If you get on with your neighbour, politely them round for a drink and/BBQ and show them the heavens above. If they have young children, I am sure they will enjoy the views too. Obviously if it is to much and the light spill is encroaching your garden, then again have a polite word to explain and rectify the situation. Alternatively your local authority should be able to assist or have a look at the CfDS website.
  14. Hi @Bridgehouse and welcome to SGL. I am another who found the TeleVue somewhat ‘out of reach’… but when you do get one… they’re keepers. BTW - mine is the Ranger and is over 20+ years young/old.
  15. I started off just using the neodymium when sodium streetlights were the thing as I could not find a suitable LPR filter. I don’t think I have enough experience to say whether you should buy, as I have only been using UHC & Olll for the past two to three years.
  16. Congratulations @FLO Message to the CEO of a large online warehouse… ‘Our warehouse is getting bigger than yours!’
  17. Some UHC filters are better than others. I have the Explore Scientific and definitely shows a little more detail than without it or my Baader neodymium which is my most used filter.
  18. Hi @SeanP77 and welcome to SGL. Another tip to reduce the shaky tripod is don’t fully extend the legs.
  19. When using my ETX105 and/or C6/SCT caps off and visual back pointing up, so any heat trapped can escape. When finished and back in the warmth of a room, remount ‘scopes with the objective cell pointing down, so any external dew formation can run off without getting trapped inside the OTA. I also leave my caps off my e/p’s and other accessories and place them in a draining rack while I take some sleep/rest, and pack away when I have recovered and refreshed.
  20. That is awesome! Thank you for sharing.
  21. Very late for the party on this topic. I admit it, but I own one. It was a belated birthday gift/present from my father and step-mother. I received it last week when I visited my sister. Anyway a few things to mull over... only 10x magnification. it's OK for terrestrial viewing. Moon fits in the FOV. can just about see the Jupiter's 'Galilean' moons. no chance of seeing Saturn's rings... yet! chromatic aberration on bright targets. twist up eyecup for 'better' eye relief. rubber end caps included... objective end is fixed... but can/could be easily removed if you wish too permanently remove it. also included is a wrist strap/lanyard and plastic mounting screw, attached via the 1/4" tripod/monopod mounting point. no attachment to couple it to a smartphone/tablet or camera for photography. no compass included with mine. no carry case/pouch included. fits in a jacket or trouser pocket or travel bag.
  22. The Observatory Shopping Centre in Slough...
  23. Remember to keep your finderscope capped at all times... or better still, remove it! For alignment, I use a TeleVue Sol-Searcher... https://televue.com/engine/TV3b_page.asp?id=66 - other types of Sun alignment gadgets are available too... or you can just point your 'scope at the Sun until you get the smallest shadow on the ground.
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