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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. I guess all of my 'scopes are in the small to medium camp... <--- TeleVue Ranger and Meade ETX105 <--- Celestron C6/SCT-xlt and Meade ETX105
  2. The only thing I know about them is that they were made by or made for TeleVue... but you knew that anyway! A few years back I was going to purchase one... then these came along...
  3. Hi @jasonwebster and welcome to SGL. Everyone has or has different skill sets. Being a member 'here' [other astronomy forums are also available] helps a lot. Also becoming a member and supporting your 'local' astronomy society/club.
  4. Congratulations to Sir Richard Branson and the team at Virgin Galactic past and present.

  5. Apologies to @Stu but... you should or would cover that too. If you have an RDF fitted as well; remove it or cover it. I got a nasty rash on my forehead/temple during 1999, a few days prior to the solar eclipse and it stung for weeks, when I forgot to remove mine.
  6. RT65CB-SWL

    Old newbie

    Howdy @jrussell and welcome to SGL.
  7. Avoid this type of screw-on filter like a pandemic/plague.
  8. Many years ago, one option I found that worked quite well was to use the 'modded' Phillips PCVC840K webcam connected my Apple iBook G4 and a third party webcam app. The end result was not to bad for viewing the Moon or planets at public out-reach/star party events.
  9. I forgot to mention in my earlier reply that my image of Jupiter was when it had the ABS plastic flip-mirror housing and not the aluminium backplate as shown. The aluminium backplate came along a few months later after it fell off the mount I was using at the time and damaged two of the three mounting points. I persuaded a local engineering workshop to make it for me as I could not obtain a replacement via Meade or dealer/reseller.
  10. Hi @Pthreat and welcome to SGL. Focussing Maksutov's and SCT's does take a lot turns of the focus knob/wheel before it is sharp. As @Cornelius Varley and @dweller25 mentioned, the 'black dot' is the secondary obstruction. Some eyepieces also do this too when your observing eye is not directly centred over it. It used to happen to me with my Meade ETX105 and a TeleVue 6mm Radian when I did not use the supplied pupil guide. (images and instructions below). TV Radian Eyepiece Instructions.pdfTV Pupil Guide Instructions.pdf Below is an image of what Jupiter looked like through my Meade ETX105 with poor collimation.
  11. Nothing.... 'tis my 60th birthday [happy birthday to me] 😊 and no postman/postwoman today 😭
  12. I am too personally not keen Astronomy Now and BBC Sky at Night. They used to be good reads. One magazine I do avoid is All About Space. Astronomy is OK... but tend to prefer Sky &Telescope.
  13. Bienvenido @rosbuitre / Osvaldo and welcome to SGL.
  14. Hi @david_lexicon and welcome to SGL. I was just going to say the same as @John says above.
  15. From your brief description, it sounds like your current mount is a 'basic' EQ one. One of a few reasons I like alt-az mounts is place tripod on 'levelish' ground and I don't have to worry about polar alignment, etc. That said, the only EQ mount that I enjoyed using and now regret selling was a Vixen GP.
  16. Hi @GMFoods and welcome to SGL. What is your current ‘scope? - and have you thought about changing only the mount? I myself like alt-mounts… as I found that setting up an EQ mount to much hassle.
  17. Hi @alex80it / Alessandro and welcome to SGL.
  18. Dare I mention it? ...Starlink I have just had a look at the heavens-above website for my location... and it's OMG!
  19. If you have an iPhone or iPad JupiterMoons or SaturnMoons are available via the apple app store.
  20. I have the Hotech SCA too... and the Baader collimator. Both are excellent tools for the job!
  21. I read somewhere that they do need to be properly centred too. I cannot remember whether it was via Meade’s website or Mike Weasner’s ETX website. When my ETX105 had a minor bump (falling of a mount and damaged the rear plastic rear flip mirror cell housing and a cheap plastic star diagonal), the meniscus cell had ‘moved’ slightly. Luckily no other damage to the primary mirror and the secondary/centre spot/baffle had not detached or became misaligned on impact. Maksutov OTA’s can be collimated by the end-user by adjusting the push/pull screws on the rear For the ETX90/105/125 it involves removing the flip-mirror housing. It takes a bit longer to do than an SCT or ‘Newtonian’ reflector. I use two laser collimators (a Baader and a HoTech), an artificial star tool and a collimating cap.
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