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Everything posted by MarsG76

  1. MarsG76

    M17 - SHO

    From the album: Deep Sky Astrophotography

    The Omega Nebula, aka The swan Nebula, M17/NGC6618 imaged in Narrowband and combined in Hubble palette style. The photo was imaged with a astromodded and cooled DSLR through a 8" SCT across multiple networks gets from 28 July - 8 August 2019.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  2. MarsG76

    M17 Pseudo RGB

    From the album: Deep Sky Astrophotography

    The Omega Nebula, aka The swan Nebula, M17/NGC6618 imaged in Narrowband hAo3hB as RGB. The photo was imaged with a astromodded and cooled DSLR through a 8" SCT across multiple networks gets from 28 July - 4 August 2019.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  3. From the album: Solar System Objects

    Occultation of Saturn by the Moon on 12 August 2019. Start of the Occultation was at 08:34UTC and finished at approximately 09:22UTC. Captured from South Sydney, Australia.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  4. MarsG76

    Saturn 17Aug2019

    From the album: Solar System Objects

    Saturn imaged on 17 August 2019 using a C8 SCT, Skyris 618C at f33.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  5. MarsG76

    Jupiter - 17Aug2019

    From the album: Solar System Objects

    Jupiter imaged on 17 August 2019 using a C8 SCT, Skyris 618C at f33.

    © Mariusz Goralski

  6. I agree that APS-C is most likely a better size to use for AP.. full frame will have much more edge distortion. Another thing I think is better is the size of the pixels. I personally use a modded old Canon 40D. I compared it to a DSLR (7D) which has lower pixels and the 40D was a better performer for AP.....so the bigger pixels are definitely a plus... another bonus is that those older cameras are very cheap to buy.
  7. Same here, I used 8-10 year old laptops, Core2Due 1.6GHz 4 GB Ram Vista, and now Use a i5 HP 2nd gen 4GB SFF Win10 PC with no problems running it all.... you shouldn't need anything too powerful to control your astro software... I run PHD2, APT, iCap, and Starrynight PRO 6 or Cartes Du ciel simultaneously on multiple virtual desktops without issues, remoting into them using TightVNC.... so your system should be right..... Perhaps your OS is corrupt?
  8. Absolutely... I have dew straps for all of my optics, SCT, refractor, finderscope and a small one for eyepieces with out any damage... the heating is only subtle and OK on all optics... you can also have a small fan gently blowing at the scope, that will keep dew at bay.
  9. Awesomeness... yes eye pieces can make or break the view.... I'm glad that you finally had breathtaking views.
  10. How unfortunate.. I always saw Baader ad premium filters... personally I haven't experienced this with my Baaders... but I don't use a camera chilled to well below freezing.
  11. Still looks slightly off... the Cheshire reflection needs to be in the middle too.
  12. Looks like you guys up there are being charged a premium... costs down here in a dollar value has the same number in pounds up there, automatically increasing the real cost by 40%!!!
  13. Yes definitely, a PC would be half the price for more processing power...you're not paying a premium for the apple logo.
  14. Its actually $5k... He lives in ustralia., so about £3K.
  15. Hahha classic... Fair question I guess but the "but" in that post cracked me up...
  16. Hello All, Sharing with you my best images of Jupiter and Saturn for this year. I haven't had the luck of a High Pressure system with no wind speed yet, but on the 17th it was as close as I had for planetary this Jupiter/Saturn season. Not my best images of the gas giants ever but ok IMO. I'm happy to see that the GRS seems to be repairing itself, last time I imaged Jupiter, the border around the GRS looked like it was breaking up so perhaps it'll be around long enough for my kids to see in the eyepiece. Captured at f33. Images consist of the best 15% frames from 13x60sec @ 60fps for Jupiter and 13x120s @ 30fps for Saturn, derotated in WinJupos. Clear Skies, MG
  17. On the dew shield is fine, it'll still disperse the light
  18. Thanks... was it even visible from your part of the world?? I planned for this event months ahead, the only thing that could have stoped me was clouds.
  19. Close and overlapped... these kinds of events are breathtaking to witness.
  20. Excellent work of a distant object....
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