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Everything posted by iapa

  1. Unless it has bee sitting out side for a couple of years without a lens cover, I’d be tempted to leave it.
  2. My 10” Quattro is mounted with rings and a pair of Losmandy dovetails. Guiding is with a StarTravel 80.
  3. With that set up, some larger targets include: M31 - Andromeda M42 - Orion Nebula M45 - Pleiades Veil Nebulae, M81/82 Bode’s Nebulae Some suggest the first two are probably not best suited to start due to the very bright cores which need a lot of processing. Personally I’d go for it anyway, you can go back and reprocess many times later. I’d not bother with this just now, but, as you get more comfortable, the https://www.firstlightoptics.com/pro-series/skywatcher-85x-reducer-flattener-for-ed80.html it widens the field of view and also corrects for some curvature in the lens. (The ED80 has a lens for projecting to an eye ball which is rounded, camera sensor is flat.
  4. Courtesy FLO, excellent services yet again, today I took delivery of https://www.firstlightoptics.com/guide-scopes/william-optics-32mm-slide-base-uniguide-scope.html To go on the RedCat.
  5. Our comment reflects the sentiment, but, is somewhat more ‘forceful’.
  6. Rings and a Losmandy dovetail. You can achieve better balance over all with the rings, and noted above, get the focuser where you want it
  7. I ordered an OTA in March, with had 30-40 days delivery. 3 weeks later I am still waiting. Why? Covid has had a significant impact on shipping of materials, components etc. There’s 1,000s of containers stuck in ports. Brexit has totally screwed imports to the UK Take a deep breath and accept that the world is not what it was at the start of last year. Also consider that when the manufacturer receives constant emails from all their customers, production time is impacted due to the time they need to reply to the emails.
  8. I would try to get what you can from your existing gear first. M27, Dumbell Nebula would nearly fill the FoV. It is also quite colourful. https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/?fov[]=112||1131||0.63|1|0&messier=27 M51 Whirlpool is a pair of merging galaxies https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/?fov[]=112||1131||0.63|1|0&messier=51 Planetary is also an option. Or more advanced would be to do a mosaic, not so straight forward.
  9. Looking at the Startools app: https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/ It looks like your field of view is much to narrower than andromeda. https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/?fov[]=112||1131||0.63|1|0&messier=31
  10. I had the tripod for my AVX outside, uncovered, for a year. no issues bar a little rust on leg bolts.
  11. 0. What do you mean by ‘prime focus’, and are you looking at the cooled version or uncooked. 1. You can use your imaging OTA for polar alignment. 2. Yes, unless you replace the thumb screws with nylon tipped. Ive never tried that for a camera as I don’t know if the nylon contracts in the cold which would loosen the grip on the camer ZWO show it as 4 stars for planetary and 3.5 for DSO.
  12. Better try some decent Whisky then. An 18yo Highland Park is a good starting point.
  13. And I think that was the last. I remember TechNet moving to online documentation, then to “user support” fora before Win98 but I’m old. … no doubt with faulty memory. 1st PC was self build superboard uk101, then a Dragon.
  14. A thought. How many images has the 600D taken? Consider that count vs resale value of it Any dedicated imaging camera will take thousands of images with minimal resale deprecation. There is mechanical wear on the DSLR limiting its lifetime. I’d consider your budget to be around cost of replacing the 600D at new cost and start with that.
  15. ASI183 or 294 MC Pros? Not amp glow free, but a set of darks should compensate for that.
  16. I have to agree; a paid for product should provide documentation covering all of the functions/options that the software is capable. A bugbear of mine of mine for several decades that started with the introduction of user support fora - IIRC that first major company was Microsoft
  17. e osservo principalmente il Sole e i panorami, ma anche la Luna. Osservandolo almeno a 100X (con un oculare al lantanio Vixen da 4mm) o anche a 200X (4mm Vixen con un Barlow 2X) o a 160X (5mm ortoscopico con il Barlow 2X) e aggiungendo dei filtri per ridurre il cromatismo (o il Baader semiapo o il W8 o il W21a) non importa. Ovviamente a 200X il treppiede fotografico è scomodo ma mi adatto. Per i doppi ho provato a raddoppiare ε Lyrae, a 100X la coppia più vicina è stata raddoppiata con un po' di difficoltà, a 200X erano ben visibili tutte e quattro. Nel cielo profondo non mi dispiace; l'estate scorsa dal terrazzo della mia casa ad Orotelli ho visto M8 con sullo sfondo un mare di stelle e M7 (Orotelli è a 40º N e la coda dello Scorpione si eleva all'orizzonte). Con il mio vecchio Newton Starfinder 8” le stelle M7 sembravano diamanti, con l'80/400 era passabile (ovviamente). Dal codice di condotta del forum: "Lingua ufficiale L'inglese è la lingua ufficiale dei nostri forum perché è la lingua comune tra i nostri moderatori e utenti. Poiché non possiamo moderare il testo di post/thread in una lingua straniera, non puoi pubblicare o avere una firma nei forum in una lingua diversa dall'inglese."
  18. Retired technical IT project manager; i get where you are coming from. I’ll be trying this with the BlackCat so I can control with the ASIAir Pro, with ZWO guide scope & ASI120, and the 183 for imaging. Will also have ZWO EAF attached. I think on AVX initially. Then try the same setup with the EVOguide 50 Clear(ish) skies permitting. So, may be a while.
  19. Unfortunately Windows only, OP is looking for MacOS apps. There is a learning curve to anything new tho’. Newer Macs with the M1 chip won’t support boot camp. So, OP would need to go the virtualisation route (Parallels or Fusion) each with cost and upgrade charges for major releases. There is still also the cost of the Windows license.
  20. In my case, I don’t have a dec circle (Celestron mounts) - although that’s just a convenience, I suppose I could just use a level. I just don’t have the tools or ability to drill out the dovetails.
  21. Doubt that’s true. Was wondering if you have seen Dion’s utoob astroshed series? I figure you probable have, but, just in case. Number 5 covers cone error.
  22. I just saw a 3rd edition listed in Sale/swap
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