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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. I can use this sort of stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9-GnQCRNm8
  2. Nor I. I will have to check that out. it needs updating to reflect the full dome projection anyway.
  3. Oh yes. i use full dome projection. www.astrosphere.org.uk
  4. I can asure it isn't. And it is not easy to fettle.
  5. Still don't do the moon Eddy the 80 with reducer ZWO 178 10% of 5000 frames prodded and poked in imppg and PS mght need a click or 2 for full res
  6. Sounds like the same short sighted attitude I had from the local councillor who put the phone down on me when I challenged his findings.
  7. Nice results. I was out this afternoon and I think I have lost the art of Ha tuning, or the seeing was not good.
  8. Quick and noisy 5 x 1200 secs with the reduced FS102 and QSI cam. It might need a click or 2 for full res depending on your screen size.
  9. From home with my C11 I do not planetary image from the obshed but set up out side and sit away from the scope. At a guess seperate warm room would be best. Random thought block round the dome skirt and fully open the slit so heat goes out of the top. Cut the number of bodies in the dome, when we did outreach it was oddly funny looking through the scope when somebody was stood in front of the scope and the dme opening esp at moderate power.
  10. Where is the C14 kept? I have tried with a Meade 16" SCT housed in a dome and at the dome opening there was a "howling gale" (slight exaggeration)which I think was due to the heat from bodies computer etc escaping to the night air.
  11. A reprocess and a cull of a few dodgy subs.
  12. I looked at some clothing used by freezer workers a few years ago but have not anything about it as I do mainly imaging using Teamviewer. However I have been to 2 star parties this year so might look again.
  13. Would you like to guess ? 😀 about 1000 ADU darker despite the high cloud, though to be fair the ones from home were also not taken under the best weather conditions and I probably could not see the high murk.
  14. Thanks folks. I can see this one getting more data and dragging on a bit like the M31 image .
  15. The reason i asked was that I seem to remember a report saying the peak was around mid afternoon when school run was on
  16. Were any times on those crimes? ie ratio of daytime to nightime
  17. Thanks Martin. A bit further south - Westwood Notts and a couple of hours on Exmoor last weekend after the deluge on Friday.
  18. Combination of data from last year with the TS 71IS and this year the Tak FS102. It might need a click or 2 for full res.
  19. Also when swapping the OTA to a longer f/l longer cables from the hub are a good idea
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