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Everything posted by tomato

  1. Here is just 2 hrs on this object, with a RASA8/QHY268c/NBZ filter. If you compare it with @gorann's 12 hr integration example posted on October 19th, you can see the benefit of a RASA dual rig. To paraphrase Tony Blair, "Integration, integration, integration". There are some awful star shapes on the LHS, I have since discovered that a couple of the screws holding the custom camera adapter together were not fully counter sunk, so they may have been preventing the assembly from mating flat to the scope. That's now been rectified so just need another clear night to check.
  2. Hi James, I was a keen emulsion film astrophotographer back in the late 80's, for me it was largely an exercise in frustration. I used slide film almost exclusively, so I could develop the film in my kitchen to get quick feedback (almost always disappointing) on my night's imaging. I did an online talk on Stargazine contrasting the trials and tribulations of that era with what can be achieved with current digital astro cameras. A lot of folks think present day imaging is frustrating and fraught with problems, but it's nowt compared to using film back then, (cue Monty Python Yorkshire blokes sketch). If you PM @Grant, I think he can send you the link to the video. Steve
  3. Ok so if all of the software is 64 bit, then the error message isn’t correct. I had a similar problem when trying to connect a Hitec Focusmaster to NINA, in the end I used the Generic focuser option from the drop down menu, this worked fine. Maybe give this a try?
  4. Based on the message it looks like you have installed the 64 bit version of NINA, but the 32 bit version of the ASCOM driver for your ZWO EAF. You need to go back to the ZWO site and install the 64 bit version of the driver.
  5. I think the brightest elements of the Squid are just discernible, and I love your ghostly shark.👍
  6. tomato

    Arp 78

    That’s a great galaxy image, so much to look at in the frame.
  7. I am getting really fed up now with the lack of UK clear nights, much as I enjoy using my own set up, the seemingly endless enforced inactivity is pushing me towards the notion of buying some time on a remote imaging scope. This isn’t about renting a location for my equipment, hauling some of my gear to mainland Europe is still a step too far, both in terms of time and expense. At the moment I’m looking at Roboscopes, iTelescopes and Telescope Live, are there any others in this sort of price bracket? Has anybody on SGL tried remote imaging? I’ve done a quick search on here but not found many references to imagers actually having a go with these pay to image sites. My primary interest is galaxy imaging, so I would need access to a suitable set up and the option to choose targets, processing random target datasets, no matter how good, isn’t really what I’m looking for. I must admit if I am going try remote imaging, the prospect of data from Chile appeals more than Spain, have a look at the 21st Oct APOD.
  8. Great image, all 17 hrs on the 150 showing through on this one. I bet some of those tiny unmarked galaxies are at a serious distance from us.
  9. The very best images tend to be taken from premium locations, top end kit cannot fully compensate for turbulent, murky atmosphere, light pollution, or being forced to image when the moon is intrusive. So for 95% of us, imaging is a compromise, and cost, simplicity and convenience of use are big factors. OSC is certainly a compromise, but with some of the best imagers on SGL now using CMOS OSC and getting stunning results, it looks to me like a compromise that is worth accepting.
  10. Here is most of the Veil Nebula complex, captured with a RASA8/QHY268c/IDAS NBZ dual band filter., 20 x 3 min subs, 1 hr integration. Calibrated and stacked in APP, RGB channels extracted, G&B combined. Then loaded into Startools 1.8, Red assigned to Ha, GB assigned to OIII. Data was binned 71% then taken through default ST workflow. Output from ST separated with Starnet in PI, then Curves Transformation applied. TIFF file loaded into Affinity Photo for further processing.
  11. I agree it does finally look to be happening, December now I think. Boy, there won’t half be some clenched cheeks around on that day, let’s hope it all deploys as it should, no hope of a repair mission this time.
  12. I think your final version is much better than your original post so your time and effort has been worthwhile. I know the feeling of going around in circles, I guess one measure of processing skill is getting close to a result you are satisfied with but needing fewer and fewer iterations. I still need all of the UK cloudy nights to get somewhere close.
  13. Another excellent image. When looking at your targets for inspiration I now have to remember that you can capture subs twice as fast as my setup, but I’m still going to try and combine the RASA and SY135 output as the next best option. Might get a session here over the next couple of nights albeit with the full moon.
  14. Looks brilliant, very impressive rate of progress, you should be on the 1:1 scale project.👍
  15. Rev 2 now installed, the heavy camera was sagging off the lens so an adjustable bracket has been added which picks up on the existing tripod 1/4 UNC connection on the camera body. Motorised focuser also added, still no clear nights….
  16. I acquired a 16” SW Dob a while back and after a bit of research went with the Hotech laser Collimator. It’s not the cheapest option, but as the optics get disturbed every time I wheel it out, I wanted a quick, reliable and easy method. A much bigger problem is getting the clear nights to use it, alas no device available that works to fix that one.
  17. I use StarTools for my main image processing and tend to get best results when using the Compose module to combine separate L,R,G,B channels (and NB if available). So I channel extract the OSC stack in PI then analyse, register and normalise the LRGB channels in APP, before loading them into StarTools.
  18. I have the Celestron dewshield and do experience problems on mild nights with the camera cooling due to re-circulation of the warm fan exhaust air within the confines of the dewshield. My rig is inside a dome so I don't need it for dew protection, but all of the electronics that control the dome has a plethora of LEDS and there are positional lasers in there also so the I need the shield to keep out the stray light.
  19. Hi BobJC, welcome to SGL. I agree with @Owmuchonomy, as you have the set up ready and awaiting a clear night (as are we all), I would certainly give your photo lens a go. I am definitely no lens expert (I have a Samyang 135mm F2, but it's reputation for AP was already well established) but your Nikon lens certainly doesn't look like a low end item to me so what have you got to lose? Your set up has a sensible imaging scale for the mount you are using and I think with your existing DSLR you would need to factor in purchasing a field flattener to go with your telescope. I would get some time under the stars and plenty of subs under your belt with your existing setup, before making any firm decisions on what to acquire next, the mount may well be the first item you upgrade. There are plenty of folks on here who started out with a lens and DSLR, I'm sure they will comment on the best way forward. Besides, any new kit purchase will just prolong the clouds...
  20. That’s a great result on a really challenging target, do you have a reasonably dark sky at your location?
  21. Thanks for the replies, I probably only have one machine that will run Win 11, so will leave it alone for now.
  22. Well, as primarily a DSO imager I might think it ups the odds of getting a clear moonless night, but sadly I doubt it. All these cloudy nights just give me more time to peruse the imaging for rent sites in Spain…
  23. You beat me to it, I was going to post that the 2600 is available in mono, but you would need the more expensive 2” filters.
  24. Sorry if this has already been asked and it is sort of resurrecting the Win 10 upgrade discussions that went on, but are folks going to upgrade to Win 11? When Win 10 came out I was in the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” camp but I acquired a couple of new machines with it installed, got a bit nervous about the Win 7 no longer supported messages, so decided to install Win 10 on all my machines. All my software and kit worked fine with it, and apart from the annoying updates and everything being referred to as Apps, I’ve got along with it. Just wondered if I should do it all again?
  25. They are both great results, but the C11 wins both on sharpness and massively on capture time. With my pitiful number of clear nights, that would be a massive consideration for me also.
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