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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Ok didn’t read that bit, see that now. If it’s works 👍🏼
  2. Hi Stuart At what point do you use this gradient removal plugin? Currently I use APP but do find it can be a bit hit and miss, although generally good. In APP it’s done early on with the data still linear, before background/star colour calibration. Looks like it’s done here on an already stretched image? Thanks Adam.
  3. I've just been gathering data since before Christmas, havent got round to processing any of it yet. Nine panel mosaic on Markarians, 12 panels on Orion, and a single panel on the Witch Head nebula. I dont think I'll swap over to a longer focal length this year, so just continue adding to widefield galaxy data in Leo.
  4. That’s a great M101 Ciarán. It’s looking clear tonight again so hoping to get our myself.
  5. Unless your not referencing that 106mm from the same point? Definitely agree with Michael that the spacing isn’t correct. There is no harm in adding a shim or two to see if it helps.
  6. Good work! Second image is especially nice to look at.
  7. I havent been posting much recently, the weather has been really bad, and the few clear nights we have had have been around the full moon. I've been working on a 12 panel mosaic of around M42 since new year, and it's still not finished as a couple of the panels turned out scrap, so I'm putting off a complete process until I can get those couple of hours data to finish it up. I was intrigued by the data in the panel around the M42, and particular the area around around M43. This is 60 minutes of data with a 2600MC, through the 105mm LZOS with 0.75x RIR M63 reducer at 487mm, using the slightly odd HEUIB-II filter (H-Alpha enhanced UV/IR blocking filter). It's nice to actually get something on the screen as a semi-finished image, and I think it's quite decent for a small scope and only 30 x 2 minutes subs. Thanks for looking Adam.
  8. I made one for my 2600 camera, not sure how much support it actually gives, but it does prevent accidentally hitting the cables and breaking the ports. What camera is it for? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4776716
  9. I'll attach it here if thats ok, too large to email 👌 HH_M42-MONO-session_1-blinky.fits
  10. There certainly isnt anything wrong with the data as it stacks in APP as a mosaic just fine. I'm transitioning to PI, just havent made that leap yet.
  11. I’ve a post on the last page about them. They aren’t good. What [removed word] me off most was Thomas Baader leaving me a voicemail on my mobile saying that it’s people like me using APP and over stretching the data that causes haloes and that my reluctance to learn proper processing removal of haloes is the cause of my haloes.
  12. Hi Stuart. I looked at your Pacman and did feel it was quite noisy for the time but then I see the moon was up so that’s going to have significantly impacted on the SNR. Although I’m using the mono version, I’ve settled on mode 1 gain 56
  13. I was thinking more about the glass not bringing the wavelengths to focus at the same point, but you’d think the canon lenses should be ok.
  14. I didn’t realise there was so much dust here too. Cracking image Dave.
  15. I use this filter with the same camera, but with a telescope. I cant say I've noticed this effect and I have focused with a Bhatinov mask with this filter. SGPro generates a grey scale image with the colour camera, but i just get three nice lines in the X shape/one intersecting. Could it be the glass in the lens?
  16. I use my 290MM (USB3) with a USB2 ‘B’ cable for guiding and it works fine. The plug is different but it fits ok. I also use a 178MM (USB3) with a USB2 ‘B’ cable for an all sky camera and it with a fine.
  17. Great image of the HH! Not sure what camera you are using with the LZOS!?
  18. Unless your backspacing is out by a few centimetres and pushing the focus point out past the focus travel, it shouldn’t affect this. Can you post a photo of your focuser etc. When you say Focus Hub all the way out, what do you mean? Is the the actual drawtube maxed out or do you have an autofocuser that thinks it’s all the way out?
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