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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Hi Jeremy If this mine I’d cut a slot in the round head with a Dremel and use a large flathead screw driver and a spanner. Stick a bit of masking tape on the dome around the round head in case the screw driver slips off when loosening.
  2. It looks like what @spillage is describing. The big brass cog isn’t engaging the worm gear. I’ve had my EQ6 stripped a few times and followed Astro baby’s guide. Common sense will help you where there is some overzealous advice re over-tightening stuff. I just used it to see what bits need to come off and be loosened
  3. That’s some going Dave, fantastic. Would you happen to have a photo of the C11 on the mesu200? (Doesn’t everyone need a big SCT in their life 😎)
  4. This explains your willingness to help others, and your large amount of patience 😂
  5. Its a fail. The small gaps are present between the layers. I set the mount to jump 7 arcsec per click as I moved the mount around the mosaic, changed from the 5 at default, and the sensor doesn’t have the physical height to cover it.
  6. It’s such a lovely galaxy. Great job on this 👍🏻 If you fancy another similar galaxy, I shot NGC3521 a couple of years ago and it is really quite similar.
  7. There was a haze over the sky, and although it was bright, you could tell that the sun wasnt getting 100% through. But I just received my new camera courtesy of @Skipper Billy (many thanks :D) so I had to try it out anyway I took just 500 frames of each pane, and it was too late when I realised I had messed up the mosaic. I will get a tilter to get rid of the NRs, but I think this camera has a lot of potential. It has a slightly unusual sensor shape, being quite long and narrow, but that actually seems to lend itself to imaging prominence on the solar limb. I stacked 10%, so these are just 50 frames stacked. Learning to process solar is a lot different to deepsky, I tried not to overdo it, but it's easy to get carried away and overcook them. There is a distinct lack of detail in the closeups, but I think conditions played a role here. If you know any good resources, I would be grateful if you would share links etc. Thanks! Adam.
  8. Funny I noticed today MA was out of stock! Health to enjoy. The black surface is a total dust magnet.
  9. It’s not just time and knowledge, it also comes down to money 😎 You can dither with SGPro, that isn’t a problem. But SGPro can’t synchronise scope 1 and scope 2. APT is better at that. That means that if scope 1 finishes an exposure it won’t start to dither until scope 2 has finished its exposure. Some guys on here make a sacrifice of a few subs, and that’s ok if short and dithering every 5th frame, but if taking long subs it’s a big risk/waste of subs have trailed stars.
  10. I use two copies of SGPro at the same time to run a dual rig. The second copy I just connect EFW and CCD. The first copy does all the mount control. It means you can’t dither. For dual synchronised dithering I have used APT. It works perfectly. I switched to SGPro for the mosaic wizard but could see myself switching back. I have two Atik EFWs attached. When I go to connect it asks for the serial number so i always connect to the right one. The biggest issue will be hardware - getting them lined up and eliminating flexure. But if you get it sorted then a dual rig is amazing. I captured 10 hours of Ha data a few night ago, despite there only being 5 hours of darkness 👍🏼
  11. Plans for summer - get this moved out of the garage 😂
  12. Four years on and you are still posting in the 'Getting Started with Imaging' section though! 😇
  13. A four hour solar timelapse from 13:52 to 17:47 yesterday, taken through a Lunt 60mm PT Ha scope. Unfortunately my flats didnt work, but I'll work on that for next time
  14. Class, really enjoy your full disks. I have solar data from April, havent had time to look at it. I may have missed the boat on it.
  15. This is message I get with CPU setting: and with GPU setting, just the same image processed over and over, but with a different file name.
  16. I am having some trouble with this software. I have stacked all my videos in AS!3 and produced a load of TIFFs. I am now attempting a batch processing, but it isnt working. I have taken one image, processed it to my liking, then clicked select and process the whole image, next I have saved the processing settings as an XML file. I then load up the batch settings dialogue box, add files and XML file and click start processing. I have it set to BMP output. It is producing a batch of the right number of images but all are the same image. I have ImPPG set to use GPU. When I have it set to 'CPU and bitmaps' it crashes on the first file it attempts to process in a batch, but all works ok on single files. I have downloaded a new version today, and tried running as admin. I have tried stacking batches as small as 10-20 and this still happens. I have started to open each file individually, apply settings and save, but I have 200+ to do, plus other videos to compile so this isnt sustainable. Can I do the same elsewhere, or better still can I get ImPPG to work? A few times it throws up a GPU error, so this may be the cause? Any suggestions welcome
  17. Can anyone tell me where the tilt adapter goes? I'm planning on using it with my 60mm Lunt, and I would usually image with a barlow lens. Does the tilt adapter go between the camera and the nosepiece, or somewhere else? ZWO or Astro Essentials? TIA Adam
  18. That’s excellent. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Very nice time lapse. I havent seen a full disc time lapse before.
  20. Very very nice. I particularly like the Rimae Hippalus image.
  21. Quite an interesting galaxy, with the dark dust band over the central portion. I was struggling a bit with the colour, then I realised I had only 50-60 minutes per channel, so I accept the compromises. The stars were elongated - balance/tilt issue - but thankfully I think I have sorted this. RED = 50 minutes GREEN = 60 minutes BLUE = 50 minutes LUM = 2 hours 45 minutes TOTAL = 5 hours 25 minutes Thanks for looking Adam.
  22. Super job. Would really like to try M13 one of these days, if the moon would settle it's head a bit.
  23. It really turned out quite good. I was surprised. I stopped using darks since last month. I noticed lots of dark pixels and without darks the stacked image was better. Now just flats, bias and BPM. 5-10 hours yields a good image
  24. Lovely. Been on this all day. Changed a fair bit since this morning.
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