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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Very nice job! I had a go at this myself earlier. The more I do, the more complex this solar imaging becomes 😂
  2. Here is a timelapse animation I put together, shot over a period of 21 minutes. It plays 3 times over, reversed in the middle, and inverted version included 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for looking Adam... proms-110420.mp4 proms-inverted-110420.mp4
  3. I was tempted to look at this region last night I have to say! You've saved me the bother now. Another cracker Richard. Can I ask whats changed between image 1 and image 2? Camera, Telescope, Filters, Processing? Thanks Adam
  4. https://www.highpointscientific.com/astronomik-125inch-dark-frame-filter-dark-125
  5. Wow again. What kit are you using? Just to see if this is doable lol
  6. I had a small period of sunshine this morning, and I had hoped the tilt adapter I ordered on Monday would be here, but it didnt arrive so I'm stuck with NRs in the images. There was one prominence visible, and the surface was otherwise devoid of features. Lunt 60mm, ZWO 290MM, Celestron XL 2x Barlow, Firecapture, AS!3, ImPPG, PS. Thanks, comments welcome. I feel very green behind the ears with solar imaging, and I thought it looked easy, but it isnt at all. Cheers Adam.
  7. Fantastic. I didn’t realise M63 had this!
  8. I think that’s also an option. I might need to address that in capture. I also did increase in the contrast of each / curves adjustment in ImPPG, and then try mosaic again and it failed.
  9. I’ve attached all the images above if you want to check the overlap?
  10. Perhaps! I tried stitching just rows of panels last night and the top three rows worked but the bottom three failed. I renamed them in sequence and still it failed . I think poor seeing at one point may have affect some panels. The mosaic was 32 minutes from start to finish, but with 6 rows done in a zig zag fashion, probably leas than 5 minutes between adjacent row panels.
  11. Thats a good job. I did mine in 5 minutes and now looking at it again, it's too light! You also have that light colour banding in the middle, i couldnt get rid of it.
  12. I am currently experimenting with a 10" at 0.93"/px for luminance and a 80mm at 2.13"/px for RGB. So far I would say that it's satisfactory. I didnt purposely buy the scopes for this purpose, I just had them both and thought it might work. In the future I think I will match up a larger refractor with the 10", but that isnt going to happen for while! Like you I dont mind the colourless diffraction spikes. When it comes to processing, you can choose to scale the data either way. Depending on how good or bad your guiding/seeing is could determine which way you go.
  13. I cant read signatures on my phone. But ok. Existing setup = Scope 1 - Quattro with 1600 mono camera and filter wheel, I was assuming full set of LRGB HaOiiiSii filters - but shooting mostly luminance with this system, or NB occasionally. New setup = Scope 2 - I suggest to buy a mono camera, and a 5 x 1.25" EFW (or whatever smallest size fits sensor), then buy LRGB and Ha to use with that camera. I have LRGBHaOiiSiii in both scopes, and I would shoot L in one and RGB in the other, or Ha in one and Oiii in the other. I'm by no means the expert on imaging, but I live in a Bortle 4 location (a decent enough 4), and you cant shoot LRGB all the time. There will be times around the moon when broadband imaging is fruitless, and Ha is the only hope. That is why I suggested he goes for at least LRGBHa in the other scope, so he can run both scopes if the skies clear and the moon is about. Hope that helps! Adam.
  14. Thanks that’s a good idea I never thought of that.
  15. Mostly serpantine, but the bottom row order is mix up as I started right in the centre at the bottom. But mostly bottom left corner to bottom right, up one row, then across to left, then up a row and across to right etc.
  16. I couldnt do much, still learning, here is my effort, thanks for posting this, nice colours in the data.
  17. Would anyone have a quick look at these panels to see if there are any glaring problems? It's kinda putting me off imaging the solar disk, because it feels like a pointless exercise. If I could find out what I'm doing wrong it would be great. Hopefully @bomberbaz doesnt mind the slight hijack, although it may be applicable to his question. Sun_143723_lapl5_ap1785_out.tif Sun_143817_lapl5_ap1258_out.tif Sun_143854_lapl5_ap366_out.tif Sun_144020_lapl5_ap2489_out.tif Sun_144056_lapl5_ap2487_out.tif Sun_144131_lapl5_ap2471_out.tif Sun_144211_lapl5_ap1526_out.tif Sun_144247_lapl5_ap717_out.tif Sun_144324_lapl5_ap2040_out.tif Sun_144401_lapl5_ap869_out.tif Sun_144444_lapl5_ap1434_out.tif Sun_144520_lapl5_ap2518_out.tif Sun_144556_lapl5_ap2517_out.tif Sun_144631_lapl5_ap2500_out.tif Sun_144740_lapl5_ap2101_out.tif Sun_144819_lapl5_ap922_out.tif Sun_145433_lapl5_ap1069_out.tif Sun_145509_lapl5_ap2251_out.tif Sun_145546_lapl5_ap2524_out.tif Sun_145622_lapl5_ap2528_out.tif Sun_145700_lapl5_ap2489_out.tif Sun_145743_lapl5_ap2470_out.tif Sun_145827_lapl5_ap1588_out.tif Sun_145910_lapl5_ap1376_out.tif Sun_145949_lapl5_ap2452_out.tif Sun_150027_lapl5_ap2478_out.tif Sun_150103_lapl5_ap2548_out.tif Sun_150138_lapl5_ap2489_out.tif Sun_150217_lapl5_ap2037_out.tif Sun_150253_lapl5_ap853_out.tif Sun_150340_lapl5_ap656_out.tif Sun_150417_lapl5_ap1806_out.tif Sun_150454_lapl5_ap2507_out.tif Sun_150530_lapl5_ap2470_out.tif Sun_150607_lapl5_ap2422_out.tif Sun_150644_lapl5_ap1486_out.tif Sun_150720_lapl5_ap370_out.tif Sun_150758_lapl5_ap1077_out.tif Sun_150843_lapl5_ap1565_out.tif Sun_150930_lapl5_ap1340_out.tif Sun_151010_lapl5_ap572_out.tif
  18. I think so, but maybe not enough, that could be it.
  19. Interesting topic, I just posted a thread looking for help! All above have failed recently for me so I assume I’m doing something wrong. If I post the frames here would someone try it for me please?
  20. He’s going to use narrowband too. A 5x2” with NB and Lum would be best bet. @SamAndrew I’ve tried Mono + OSC and now I have Mono + Mono. I actually liked Mono + OSC a lot and could use the OSC for Ha too (eg for adding Ha to LRGB), but there is no doubt Mono + Mono is superior. RGB filters are relativity cheap, so even if not used much its not a big issue.
  21. I’m looking some advice. I have tried mosaics now a few times and the software fails to align. Yesterday I took 44 panels and I’ve tried using PS, ICE and Autostitch to join them together. It always results in an incomplete panorama of varying success. I tried processing the panels in ImPPG first, sharpen and curves, and then constructing the mosaic. This was worse. I took flats using the defocus method. I now have a tilt adapter ordered. The panels looks evenly illuminated. Any suggestions, I may have to draw a line under mosaics. Thanks Adam.
  22. Ha yes! What I meant was the 178 does fit in the a full disc (and no more = with little spare space around the edges) I didn’t mean it doesn’t work with a Barlow! My fault for a poorly worded comment
  23. Ok, so this is mosaic? Its very well done.
  24. Beauty! Does the 178 just allow the full disk and no more ?
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