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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Thanks for that but I had a question for you above that I guess you missed. Alan
  2. I understood that Eqmod is for Skywatchers mounts, seem to have it working, worrying over nothing as usual. Alan
  3. I think it is a case of me worrying, I have it working and was surprised how simple it was once I overcome my mistake for the day, you probably know this is normal for me. I bought the Lynx 2.5mm cable to connect it to the 12v DC mains out put I have, think this was an alternative to the main unit provided. So there am I for 40 minutes at least trying all sorts and getting nowhere, it telling me all the time NO Ioptron hardware found. Then the penny dropped, the mount was without power!!, Francis, can you tell me what this connection via 2.5mm specially bought cable is for, does it power the twin 12vDC outlets on the main panel? if so I would require a 5.5mm to 5.5mm male both ends, is there such a thing or is this aimed at Focusers and filter wheels? Still got a bit of learning what can be done, but it seems to be working and we have a clear sky Alan
  4. Well I have finally moved my new mount into the observatory. Now it took me forever and a lot of help from members to set-up the AZ EQ 6 and EQ Mod pulse guiding, APT, C-du-C and PHD, which worked very well after many problems with cables and self inflicted issues. I have found a set of instructions for setting up C-du-C with the mount and an Ascom driver, so I feel I can manage that. I also believe APT will not change too much and can deal with that, I think. However all I can find on PHD 2 is a guy saying how wonderful it is all works but nothing else and even this is for the EC version, can anyone point me in the right direction? Alan.
  5. Superb shot the nebula has come out really well in this. Can I ask what you took it with, not the LX 12 inch surely. Alan
  6. I bought mine about 3 years ago and I don't believe I have ever seen a secondhand one. I personally believe TeleVue are as good as any on the market for all their product and in many cases better. This better though is only very subtle in the case of many eyepieces I have tested and written about on here., I feel the same will be true of the Paracorr. EXSc is very good gear too and even some SW stuff is not far behind for much less, I am sure given a bit of time many others will chip in with what they have for much less than the price on the TV. Alan
  7. I had one for visual work, HEQ 5 Pro by Sky Watcher, a solid mount that would carry about 11-12kg for photography, a few people on here produce first class images using a verity of cameras, including DSLR's. I am sure there are other mounts too. Alan
  8. It certainly looks exactly like the coma I can get with my 18 inch F4.3 Dob, I got a Paracorr by TeleVue which has a slight magnification factor, x.15 if I recall correct. There is no doubt it is an excellent piece of equipment but with a sizeable price tag. There are others available I am sure but as to how good they are that another matter. I went with the TeleVue because all my eyepieces are, they say it works perfectly for AP, which I am sure it does. Alan
  9. Very nice image there, I actually rather like the blue halos. I guess using a mask is the answer, I know how but rarely do, as long as I get a reasonable result whilst learning that pleases me. I'm happy. Alan
  10. Very nice image, I tried this last year and like you only got part of it, well i think I did, comes out rather more red with DSLR. Alan
  11. Nice report on something of a very similar set-up to that of mine. I tend to stick to same all the time, that being 4 minute subs but at zero gain, my skies are without doubt darker than the ones you take fine shots in. I am now in the process of changing mounts which I have not actually done yet, this mainly due to forgetting to order the cable for computer, that came yesterday. Like you I was not happy with my IC 1396, I feel this needs the other camera and my shorter Borg 77EDll which will more than cover the whole target. Alan
  12. Great shot there and something I did last week with a pitiful 2 hours on a longer F/L scope, we do get some great dark shies down this way. Alan
  13. Superb panoramic shot of the crater there John, quite a sight and as you say a fair sized bang, think I heard it when I was a boy.😀 Alan
  14. Wow Brian, that's as good as I have seen, lovely rendition of one of my favourite visual targets. Alan
  15. Work of the highest quality, what more can one say. Alan
  16. As Peter pointed out, every problem I ever had with either the HEQ 5 Pro or my AZ EQ 6 were because of battery, I now use mains and never have a problem. Until now I have said that. Alan
  17. I have to say with me I want a large chip and the 071 or indeed the 1600 were just more affordable without being stabbed by the wife. I liked the look of an Atik model 16200 and still believe they are better quality. I would have liked their camera with APS H sized sensor, but at near to 3.5 grand I could hear knives being sharpened, then one of the members on site sold one for about half price the day after i bought the 071. Alan
  18. I went for the one shot colour option, though I must confess I didn't find it easy but I am next to hopeless with IT. I feel the Mono option is something I will want to play with at a later date. I also went for cooled cameras, in the shape of Zwo 071 and 183mc pro. In real terms from what I understand going for mono here with the 1600pro and filters may have been cheaper as it's pixel size falls somewhere around the middle of these two cameras, so one camera may well have covered my range of scopes which are between 330mm and 1000mm. I don't see Mono as beyond me but there is a lot to learn and trip you up after using a Canon fairly well for 2 years. Alan
  19. No better man to test anything than John!! Alan
  20. Just seen this John, I am not doing so much at the moment due to requiring an operation to remove a bit of my insides, so this alone prevents me from doing as much as i would like for lifting and not getting cold is another factor. I am into imaging at the moment but have been for a couple of years now. I still have the Dob which has not been out this year and may appear as a waste, but I am sure once better i will come back to it. I don't think any amount of imagining can take away the joy of first seeing that sharp Jupiter at x238 in 18 inch or the Veil Neb with the Olll in place, the first time I split Sirius and later Antares , photos can't take that away or for me replace it. Alan
  21. Owning a Meade I would say not, I have the 12 inch, Meade for me are much the same as Celestron and of their scope I have read the 9.25 is the pick of the bunch. I just don't believe it is worth 400 more. Alan
  22. Like all your reports, great report!! I photographed this the other night and sort of miss looking at it with the big Dob where it really comes alive. Struggling a bit at the moment and need an operation very soon to to sort me out, nothing life threatening, just old and worn out. Will be pulling up trees by hand after Christmas and pulling that Dob around again. Alan
  23. Some amazing shots there from one of the biggest setups I have seen, and there was me think of mounting 2 scopes, great work. Alan
  24. I actually got a 12 Meade Sc first off and about 2 years later a 115mm APO. The Meade was great but not wide enough field of view even with the biggest eyepieces, this is why I said maybe an 8 inch will do the job. Alan
  25. Your header states how I started out One scope for everything, I have 7 now so it didn't work for me. I do feel though something like an 8 inch SC comes close, with the right eyepieces can give a decent wide field view, with shorter ones will give you nice planetary views and big enough to have some light grasp. Alan
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