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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. I foolishly passed off the chance of getting one for 3500e just before my mate here went out of business a few years ago, still I got a 18 inch Dob instead, can't have everything. Alan
  2. Nice idea, M6 and M7 are going to be difficult, they are very low down even here, I got M55 earlier in the year but again this was below 20 degrees, so at best 10 or thereabouts for you. Good Luck, Alan
  3. Either way it is a very good piece of capture work and at the end of the day you must always do what pleases you, I may try one on its side🙃. Alan
  4. A lovely image that I personally feel looks better up the other way, a lot of people have been doing this of late, great shot not over coloured. Alan
  5. I feel the top image is better with regards the core, always difficult to get right as you said, which I feel you did there, lacks a tad of blue as Olly said but it is a s good as I have seen shown here, a superb capture. The trouble it when you good at processing you can do it over and over agian and sometimes forget which one you liked best, which at the end of the day it what it's about, if it pleases you then it's right. Alan
  6. That's really nice Alan, why didn't I get a 150 Esprit when I had the chance, can you not change the setting to get the SN in shot? Alan
  7. It doesn't remember I tried it earlier on, every time I have to tick it, I am sure this USB issue is the answer. My mate said it is just a module that plugs into the Express media port and you get 2x USB 3 outlets for about 13 quid. I was going to buy a new desk top, well decent S/H, he can get the very best deals on all manner of stuff, some of it hardly used but about 1/3 of the new price. Looks like it will be clear at about 11 tonight but I am up at 5.30 so won't bother, tomorrow looks good. Alan
  8. I feel it is something we all do even though I constantly look for it, and I have a excellent eye for colour. It is almost that we think it makes things look better to bang up the saturation, I am sure it will not be the last time I do it. I see so many images that toned down just a bit would then, for me anyway, go to another level. You watch my next image, it will be a Versace special now I have said this. Alan
  9. Well I think it looks great, the beauty of the Hubble colours is nothing is really wrong at least thats the way I see it. I always feel many over egg the colours too, this for me is just right. Alan
  10. A lovely shot though I do prefer this in normal red, you have done a great job though. Alan
  11. No better man to test anything than John!! Alan
  12. Incredible image Steve, 45 hours, I don't think I did that amount of time outside when we have just had 43 clear night on the bounce. Always wish I had got a 150mm when I have the chance to pick one up from the local dealer at 3500e, he was being kind to me as I was a good customer before he stopped trading. Alan
  13. I use DSS and Photoshop, I keep looking at others as some things in PS are a bit long winded, though it is a program that you can probably do anything in if you know how. Alan
  14. Thanks Alan, don't want to be trying any of that, I have just run it for 1 hours at minus 7 and nothing, which of course is what is bound to happen. I am a little concerned that this heated Anti Dew box that should be ticket unticks every time you shut down. Now whilst I am sure I switched it on the second night I collected data I an not sure how or when this switches off. I had a glitch with APT (this does not run well on through USB 2) The program froze and I reopened it again, I am thinking this turned of the Anti due. The troble is I can't recall at what point in the night this happened. Still FLO are aware of my problems and incompetence and I am working along with Grant, he told me this is visible in the likes of refractor and i can check this by looking down the tube, I am sure they wish me to happy with my purchases. It is of course a bit of a new experience for them as well, Bulgaria 's weather is different so not everything is that straight forward maybe. Thanks for the help though you have all been very helpful, I am hoping for clear tonight but it don't look wonderful, bit stormy. Alan
  15. Thanks for that Adam. I was just using the default in APT maybe bigger gaps between cooling sectors will help too. I have the CEM 60 coming either tomorrow or Monday so I will be taking the set-up apart and that would seem like a good time to start trying things, I am in hospital very soon for an operation so hopefully I can get some results beforehand. If I am having to take things apart when it is so new I find that wholly unacceptable, these thing should work for what we pay, I know it's not a 3 grands plus camera but I think you see my point. Oddly I am beginning to wish I had gone mono already, he said having just got a 183MC pro as well, what issues will that cause, the Canon was so simple. Alan
  16. Albeit with a small amount of movement in the guiding that is one hell of an image!!! Alan
  17. Rather disappointed in this less than a month and something that could be wrong, how does one re-charge this tablet Alan? Alan
  18. Can you tell me what is involved in re-charge of this desiccant tablet, the dam thing isn't a month old, humidity is fairly low here, we have just come through over 45 days without rain and 43 wall to wall sun, don't think even on a night humidity got above 50% and in the day 30%. Any pointers on the cooling steps Adam? Alan
  19. Feel that puts it rather well, I too have a set of BGO's and Hutech making up the missing 12.5mm and I find them easier on the eye, all except the 5mm maybe. Alan
  20. Just seen this John, I am not doing so much at the moment due to requiring an operation to remove a bit of my insides, so this alone prevents me from doing as much as i would like for lifting and not getting cold is another factor. I am into imaging at the moment but have been for a couple of years now. I still have the Dob which has not been out this year and may appear as a waste, but I am sure once better i will come back to it. I don't think any amount of imagining can take away the joy of first seeing that sharp Jupiter at x238 in 18 inch or the Veil Neb with the Olll in place, the first time I split Sirius and later Antares , photos can't take that away or for me replace it. Alan
  21. Well I managed to get out for a few minutes but got very little in the way of data, just 3x 4 minute subs, and how I managed to focus I will never know. I don't feel I did a good job with the patched cloud but I feel it is enough so show the camera works OK even when I focus it and when cooling is OFF. To me at least this points firmly towards cooling being the problem, so some advice on how to cool maybe nice, as APT steps seem aggressive or there is a problem with the camera itself. Anyway here is what I got noise and all I know its poor but I am surprised how this has come out for only 12 minutes. Alan
  22. Terry, That LED pollution filter sounds good, I have one small area of LP to the South East where of course many things rise, this is from a town 4 miles away. Above say 45 degrees and a bit either side there is no problem. I normally just wait for things to clear. However even at 175 quid if it works it makes working lower down much easier and I feel would benefit even me. In all other directions I am without any light at all, the town sort of spoils the show, it is only the 3 years since they changed all the lights I have had something to moan about. Alan
  23. I recall the other version and I do feel this one is better, it's amazing how many results you can get from one set of data, even when i try to do the same thing as before. Alan
  24. More expensive Piero but would a De-lite not fit the bill or even an older Radian if you can find one, i use to like Radians, still a 4mm, never believed all this colour caste talk. Alan
  25. I personally Piero find mine a bit tight on eye/relief as used on its own. It is an eyepiece I bought a few yrs ago and have not used very often at all, I recall saying once, I am glad I didn't go for the 8mm. Alan
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