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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Went to De Monfort Hall to see him ,having read his book this is the talk to that ,obviously delayed to covid,very good indeed and if you havent read the book you can buy a signed copy at event .
  2. Note Astroworld tv have an upcoming episode on V 3.90 update once details released
  3. I have decided to upgrade my focuser on the 200pds to a baader Diamond steeltrack, now im currently using a 2" clicklock M54 adapter but the caveat with that is it pushes the focus tube into the ota due to its size, plus its the wrong thread for the ST ,so i think i will just opt for the M48 fitting ,now is anyone using a steeltrack with the m48 fitting ,can anyone tell me can the camera be rotated to be orientated to the desired position ?. Regards Dave
  4. Saw this posted on astrobuy, school teacher looking for a dobsonian for school project they have a zero budget can anyone help . details here https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=180749
  5. What about a telegizmo cover , and how about a heated pet pad under the cover . https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pet-Remedy-Voltage-Electrically-Heated/dp/B005QYNCT6/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?crid=31FJQLUZN5N9J&keywords=heated+dog+blanket+12v&qid=1636540943&sprefix=heated+dog+blanket+12v+%2Caps%2C1045&sr=8-16
  6. Also have you enabled server mode in phd2 >tools you need to do that to enable Apt to communicate to phd2 via ascom , have you created a Darks map in phd2 just incase a hot pixel is being chosen , also in Eqmod check pulse guide settings are not default 0.1 change both Dec and Ra to about 0.6 I had issue when I started guiding and this setting was the issue .
  7. £3500 budget doesn’t go too far in this hobby , I’ve mainly bought used equipment and to be fair I’ve never had a problem so far, astronomers tend to look after their kit and some good bargains can be had , sometimes you need patience and self control to wait for the right item 😆.
  8. Try using a bahtinov mask so your close to focus as possible.
  9. Graham has done a strip down on my Eq6 pro
  10. For me personally in uk clear nights are few and far between so I would go for colour and the 2600mc is an amazing camera if you have good clear skies then a mono could be considered .
  11. Polar align using sharpcap , no bending down on knees no need to use polar scope as all done using your guide scope,more likely star trails are caused by polar alignment error sharpcap will help solve that combined with guiding set your latitude in every program that asks for it , download phd2 and configure to your setup ,camera etc read up on phd2 website, plenty of info on YouTube,you will be able to see phd2 graph in Apt , configure apt for your camera , scope fl etc in profile you can have multiple profiles depending how many scopes cameras you have but make sure on the night you have the right profile selected ,download ASTAP and use that for your platesolving within Apt ,all programs need some sort of setting up so do each program and check platesolving is working by solving an image you have taken makes it less frustrating on the night so one program at a time , set apt up first and get platesolving working with Astap , then move on to phd2.
  12. What about this if you can put in the shed and run 12v to mount https://www.firstlightoptics.com/power-accessories/nevada-ps-08-6a-8a-regulated-linear-power-supply.html
  13. Try rotating ota upside down so knobs don’t foul the dovetail , long term is to use two metal blocks (risers) to lift ota high enough to clear dovetail , secondly what software are you using for capture you have a few options , the asair pro as recommended by others it’s compact but does lock you in to zwo products which is fine if you haven’t purchased any cameras yet ,note DSLR cameras are fine primarily guide cameras and cooled cameras , or go via ascom and use Nina or ASTROPHOTOGRAPYTOOL , I use Apt via a laptop both can use platesolving and I use sharpcap pro to polar align (£10) yearly subscription there are many options available.
  14. By chance did you have a bright star in the Fov ? , maybe worth reading the threads on Apt forum.
  15. Bought many items , check their joining date and selling history , many sgl users post in their online name too , never had any problem so far.
  16. The best workaround is to use a computer that can utilise the power of the Gpu version, there is a lot of number crunching hence Ivo has already set the best route in developing the gpu version first, I will try on my processing pc later on my laptop yes it takes time but to be expected on a pc without a dedicated gpu . regards Dave
  17. Stephens quintet 2.5rs zwo533mc taken during the week 200pds conditions not brilliant but hey ho , stacked in DSS processing inStartools .
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