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Everything posted by Scooot

  1. Would four AA batteries in a battery holder work, that gives 6 volts? I use eight to power my Astro Devices Nexus.
  2. Ah, I wonder if it’ll be cloudy when the moons out and clear when it isn’t this month
  3. Yes great write up. Me to, Serge has phoned me a couple of times in the past as well. Excellent service.
  4. I’d be surprised a piece of white cloth attached to the front of the lens with an elastic band would be in focus, and anything beyond it wouldn’t be either?
  5. I use a photo of a white piece of Paper on my IPad. I put a white cloth over the lens. So you could also use a similar method with a large flat screen TV. I can view my Images stored on my iPad on the TV so I could also view the Image of my white piece of paper on the TV. The only snag is the camera wouldn’t be at the same orientation as the lights, but you could ensure everything else is the same. I’d guess the screen would be large enough to fully illuminate the 10mm lens. It’s an idea anyway?
  6. If you upload your image to here it will identify most things for you. http://nova.astrometry.net/upload I had to download your image so it hasn’t picked up as much as an original. It’s free, reasonably quick and very useful
  7. In the first I think you’ve just caught the Andromeda Galaxy. It’s a tiny smudge just above & to the right of the 3 vertical stars in Andromeda. You need to zoom in on your image, not the astrometry version.
  8. This is what you’ve captured in the first image in the second you’ve got a good view of Auriga with Capella being the bright star at the top. It looks good
  9. Scooot

    Christmas Day Dip

    It looks truly tropical well done!
  10. There’s quite a few interesting threads in the Imaging Widefield section that are worth looking at.
  11. Scooot

    Moonlit Caldera

    Thats a smashing image.
  12. An update for info. No difference with the high iso noise reduction off. I can successfully reduce the interval to 4 seconds, but 3 seconds is too short. Thanks again for your input. Happy New Year
  13. Good thinking, thanks for the thought. Long exposure noise reduction is off, high iso noise reduction is on but ISO is set to 400 so I wouldn’t have thought that would make a difference but I’ll try it to see. Can’t see any other noise reduction settings anywhere? Now I know, a 5 second interval will be ok when I use it. It was a bit frustrating trying to work out the problem.
  14. Sussed it. I increased the interval between shots from 1 second to 5 seconds and it works. Presumably the camera didn’t have enough time to process in 1 second. It’s only taken me a couple of hours ...... ?
  15. I have been bought a Hahnel Captur timer for Christmas but I’m struggling to get it do what I want. So either I’m being an idiot or it’s faulty. To test it I want to take two 3 second images, simple enough I thought. So the canon 450D is in manual bulb mode, continuous shooting, A1 focus. Delay set to 3, long set to 3, intvl1 set to 1, intvl1 N set to 2, intvl2 set to 1 second, intvl2 N set to 1. With this configuration the camera takes one 7 second image. However, if I change the intvl1 N setting to 1 it will take one 3 second image. Delay set to 3, long set to 3, intvl1 set to 1, intvl1 N set to 1, intvl2 set to 1 second, intvl2 N set to 2. It also takes a 7 second exposure. Anyone any ideas? Pleeease, it’s driving me nuts 113965.pdf 113965.pdf
  16. I did wonder ? Not far off the fov of the Nikon WX. Very ingenious! ? What about the objective lens?
  17. What make are they Peter, they look very interesting.
  18. So big they need built in steps to reach the eyepieces ?
  19. My only solar image with the little tak fs60. Here's my mercury transit with the 1.7 extender at f10 using my canon 450 on the star adventurer.
  20. I don't think you lose aperture when extending but maybe I'm mistaken? The extender inserts into the OTA and increases the focal length from 355mm to 600mm. I do use the tak field flattener but I'm not an experienced imager so not qualified to advise I'm afraid. I also use it with the extender although I must confess I'm not sure whether I should or not. Most of my imaging has been of the moon wth it. I bought it from Ian King who I'm sure would give good advice if you were interested. Its a very versatile setup, I've been considering on and off getting the 76mm objective upgrade at some point as well. So it can be converted to a 76mm refractor although I'm not sure the Sky Adventurer would be able to handle that. On the negative side I have read comments that the blue signal is not quite right, or maybe as good as it should be, for deep Sky imaging. I think it was Olly that pointed this out.
  21. Don't know what your budget is but the star adventurer easily carries my tak fs60CB. Its also ok when I add the extender which converts it from an f5.9 to f10.
  22. Received these 8x42's this week. Their 7.75° fov is quite wide for this size and I'm looking forward to trying them out on the night sky but been stymied so far by clouds.
  23. Clear skies forecast, moon sets 10.30ish, street lights go out at 12 on Sundays, no work tomorrow. Big scopes out. What could possibly go wrong :) 

    1. faulksy


      have a good night richard

    2. Knighty2112


      Envious of the curfew for street lights. Wish they would do that where I live, but know it won't happen, so I'll carry on been envious for ya! ;) 

  24. I love my Sumerian too, if only I could get a chance to use it Hope you get some more opportunities to try it out soon, I'm sure you'll get some great views.
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