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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. This weather is upside down wasn't like that when I started this hobby, winters night where cold and crisp wonderful now its either raining or cloudy no freezing nights.
  2. I got out 23 times last year even winter well wet Autumn was lousy just checked my observing logs.
  3. Well I have been thing of giving up I can count the amount of times I have been out this year on one hand, I have not been out now for over 3 weeks and the weather does not show any sign of changing for the better over the next two weeks.
  4. I am still waiting to do this I have done it before in the Tal with a 10mm x100 want to try it in the Meade 127mm
  5. Just read this might as well give up on astronomy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8581179/Amazon-wins-FCC-approval-Kuiper-internet-constellation-consisting-3-200-satellites.html#newcomment
  6. I can give you the email address if someone would like to email them and enquire about October I unfortunately will not be able to attend I have had MRI on my back I have two ruptured discs with arthritis of the facet joints I am waiting for a epidural injection to see if that can help before going down the surgical route.
  7. I was referring to the DSO`s you have been looking at, I had a 150p on a EQ3-2 mount I easily could see many DSO`s M31, M81 M82, M57 M42 including six stars in the Trapezium, M57 looked like a smoke ring in the sky but the others where fuzzy blobs, I have only ever seen real detail in a friends 22" dob looking at M51 when you could clearly see the spiral arms. From home even when I had a 8" scope I could not see them. Obviously with a bigger scope more light comes in this all helps as does seeing and a dark site, where in the 8" I have seen many deep sky objects like "The Whale" and "The Hockey Stick" NGC 4631 and NGC 4656 respectively some amazing things out there, A favourite is "Hagrids Dragon" NGC 2301. Don`t be despondent Those fuzzy`s are your galaxies go for clusters from home much more rewarding.
  8. I am wondering whether you can see them but they look like fuzzy blobs, if they do that is what you see. We only see in black and white in the dark you won't see DSO's in colour and you won't see what you see in Google pictures. From a dark site you may see some detail or spiral arms but that is with very good seeing.
  9. Everytime there is something to see that you won't see in your lifetime again the weather is rubbish. Same as above one night go out hit everything go out another night your fighting with the mount get objects in FOV.
  10. Check the laser is collimated as well those cheaper ones often are not collimated.
  11. Well thank you to Richard Biggs who was on the Repair Shop fixing a old newtonian telescope, he has adjusted the prism's said it was straight forward £27 posted back to me to say I'm delighted is a understatement.
  12. A warm welcome to SGL
  13. The 150 is a brilliant scope the focuser is not bad there is a way of making better and you can get a Lacerta 10:1 upgrade making it a dual focuser.
  14. I have decided to send them off to be checked £15 if they do need a bit of tweaking it's £25 + Postage. I have read that my eyes and brain can compensate for a bit of miscollimation and that could lead to headache's so I think this is best. Thank you everyone who helped me I really appreciate it. Paul
  15. I have had them all I have the 25mm , 15mm and the 8mm now the 15mm is my goto eyepiece that gets used more than any other its a brilliant eyepiece. It was voted best of the bunch in S@N magazine,
  16. Took them out last night star tested on Altair it was slightly elongated, tweaked with very small adjustments and got them to a point I cannot discern any notable collimation issues. Stars where sharp and easily picked up Jupiter's moon's as dots so I am quite happy with them now.
  17. I will guarantee there will be no clear skies always the way. I saw Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in binoculars last night.
  18. I definitely need EHU for heaters especially with my back cannot get cold otherwise I would be in severe pain.
  19. If there was enough interest I'm willing to contact the site to see what they are doing. But it's not worth it if we only have 3/4 people. Paul
  20. I found it last night with binoculars I could see it by eye last week. Has it dimmed at all strange I could clearly see it last week but last night had to use binoculars.
  21. I will have to do that as I have no access to anything further away hemmed in by house's. Thank you for all your help just try them now if I cannot get them any closer I think it will be the bin for them and have look for some more. Paul
  22. Well I have put them on a tripod looked at a post about 50 metres away used the diopter on the right to defocus that held my head back a couple of inches could clearly see two images with slight adjustment to the collimation screws I now have them on top of each other. Just need a clearish night now to do a star test but once I had set the diopter back I have the clearest image I have had out of them so crossed fingers it has worked. @Peter Drew thank you I swapped the barrels over before tweaking and it made it a lot easier as the images where not that far apart.
  23. When I went to adjust them there was some glue showing and when I pulled back the rubber has split so I have no chance.
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