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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Started about 11.15pm I wanted try some clusters in Ophiuchus M10, M12 and M14 they did not disappoint but the highlight was NGC 6572 (Blue Racquetball) When I first looked I thought it wasnt there but on closer inspection I saw a star not in focus more magnification and there it was a beautiful blue diffuse ball a great site. Sagitta Hn 84 + Σ2569 (SAO 1051 04) This is two pairs of stars Hn 84 has 6.6 and 9.5 mag stars with 28.2" separation and Σ2569 has 8.4 and 9.1 mag stars with a separation of 2.1" colours I could see yellow/orange and pale blue just grey dots for second pair. θ Theta (SAO 0882 76) This looks like a pair but a bit more mag and you have a lovely triple. AB is 6.6 and 8.9 AC is 6.6 and 7.5 mag separated by 11.9" and 89" respectively. Vulpecula M27 (Dumbbell) I was really surprised get this being so light I added a Oiii filter to bring the shape out. Σ2455 + Σ2457 (SAO 0868 28) Another double pair first pair are 7.4 and 9.4 mag stars separated by 8.8" the second pair are 7.5 and 9.5 mag stars separated by 10.2" They are in a straight line. Σ2653 (SAO 0883 77) Uneven yellow pair witch are 6.7 and 9.2 mags separated by 2.9" 2 19h 17.7m +23 02` Very tight pair with 5.4 and 8.8 mag stars with a separation of 1.6" ΟΣ 388 19h 52. 4m +25 51` Cracking triple AB are 8.3 and 8.5 mag stars separated by 3.9" while AB-C are 7.5 and 9.6 mag stars separated by 29.3" Lyra β Sheliak (SAO 0674 51) cracking double at low power with a White star with a bluish companion. 3.6 and 6.7 mag stars separated by 46" ε1 - ε2 The double double easily split with my 11mm Televue plossl . ε1-ε2 are 5.0 and 5.3 mag stars separated by 210.5" ε1 are 5.0 and 6.1 mag stars separated by 2.1" and ε2 are 5.3 and 5.4 mag stars separated by 2.4" Σ 2470 + Σ2474 (SAO 0678 70) Another double double apart from the colour they are the same Σ2470 has 7.0 and 8.4 mag stars separated by 13.6" and Σ2474 has 6.8 and 7.9 mag stars separated by 15.8" M57 with the Oiii filter you could really see the ring Hercules α Alpha (SAO 1026 81) A colourful pair 3.5 and 5.4 mag stars separated by 11" A Orange star barely touched by a small blue companion. ΟΣ 341 (SAO 0857 23) A peach white star inside a wide arc of stars AB-C is 7.6 and 9.8 separated by 27.8" AE is 7.4 and 10.3 mag stars separated by 66.1" AF is 7.4 and 11 mag stars separated by 112.3" and AG are 7.4 and 7.6 mag stars separated by 132.8" I must say I did not see all of these I saw 3 maybe 4 but not the whole lot. 100 (SAO 0857 53) A pair of white identical stars both 5.8 mag with a separation of 14.2" 95 (SAO 0856 48) Looked yellow to me 4.9 and 5.2 mag stars with a separation of 6.3" "Webbs Wreath" (SAO 0856 78) lovely asterism circle of stars. M13 the best I have seen it in the 5" M92 another cracking cluster Just a couple left as was getting sore and cold and late. 61 Cygni "Piazzi`s flying star" Two bright stars 5.3 and 6.1 mag stars with a separation of 31.1" but watch these over time and you can see proper motion of the pair. NGC 457 One of my favourites I was then going to pack up but turned around and saw a yellow object low down I immediately sent the scope to Saturn and there it was and what a sight I had not seen it in the 5" with a 11mm Televue plossl it was a brilliant sight still wows me to this day. I packed up as it was 2am and once I had Jupiter was poking its head over the houses behind me even so it was a wow of a night.
  2. I was going to check this one out but its too far south for me now.
  3. Anyone want a pair of Jessops 10 x 50 roof prism binoculars. They are not collimated the diotre will not focus the right side runs out of adjustment. Prisms are glued in so no adjustment there but maybe someone could use them for bits just pay for delivery.
  4. I did that with my 200p a 1mm washer and ptfe washer made collimation a breeze.
  5. My 150p took one my 200p took 1.5 but and I will say but I got the d-c-fix from wilko`s not FLO so there may be a bit of a size difference.
  6. If its for the 150 probably only need one roll and makes a difference better contrast as no reflections.
  7. Just going to search for it in Stellarium but cannot find its stupid name
  8. Just been out spotted M13 but I am lousy at star hoping especially with binoculars so I have probably skirted past it. Thought I had found FF Aql and 111 Her but I cannot be sure.
  9. I was going to look for this tonight in my 10 x 50 Binoculars but at 8.6mag may be out of my range especially with my light pollution
  10. Well I was going to look for this tonight in my 10 x 50 Binoculars but at 8.6mag may be out of my range. If I can see the pointing stars with my light pollution.
  11. I used this very easy to understand and step by step. http://www.schlatter.org/Dad/Astronomy/collimate.htm
  12. I will have to have a go at Antares see if I can split it.
  13. I fitted the Lacerta to my 200p when I had it the improvement was brilliant, really helped with the focus especially bringing out clusters M13 was amazing.
  14. Hi Dave, Well it looks really good I know you can get those Berlebach ones and I would need a more substantial tripod to carry the EQ5 and the Meade 127mm but it would be lighter than the EQ6 Tripod I have now. Paul
  15. I do keep notes but not to a great extent date object mostly what I have seen and which scope but I really should add what eyepiece I used. I should look up the objects and write interesting facts down.
  16. Love those tripods love one of those for my EQ5.
  17. 2" Semi apo filter thank you Harv. Now let's see what I can spot with this in now. Paul
  18. Was that on the Ioptron AZ Pro with the Tal?
  19. This is embarrassing I saw a post a couple of days ago about 3d printed polar caps I said I needed one of those. As I am on some pretty strong pain killers (Oxycodone) and I have a chest infection, I'm not compus mentis. I had a pm from a fellow sgler who said they would make and send me one all good. Thought it was strange I had been messaging two different names but didn't think much of it. That was until today when the post turned up with two parcels no big deal as I was expecting a parcel from ebay and the polar cap. Well to say shocked is a understatement I now have 2 red ones and a black one from two different people, got my son check my inbox and he said I'd been messaging two fellow sgler's not one. PeterW and adyj1 Thank you so much really appreciate it. I will at least have a spare now in case I loose another one.
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