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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I have bought a power bank with two usb`s giving 5v 2.1amps so not sure if I could use one of those thanks.
  2. I was thinking that but with step down convertors thought the may be a chance Unfortunately every listing has none of the 12v to 5v in only 9v to 5v but this is exactly what I would need if the 12v were available thanks. I need one for my 5" refractor which had a diameter of 50cm and cannot find them I have sent for one that fits a 4" ones thanks. I will check these out thanks but I need a 50cm one now
  3. Is there anyway to covert a 12v dew strip so I can plug it into a 5v usb power bank, I can easily swap the plugs but that is not going to work by itself. If not can you make your own 5v 2amp dew strips please.
  4. I have seen E and F a few times once in my 6" reflector on a night of crystal clear skies and couple of times in my 5" refractor and also a couple of times in my 4" refractor when I had two really clear nights which are rare now.
  5. Having a nightmare adjusting the RA get it so fingers can just turn the cog put the motor back on load it up with scope and weight then in one place just grinds, Dec axis is perfect annoying taking the motor off adjusting then starting again. After an hour of faffing about finally sorted it I hope just have to see if there is any drift when I get it out.
  6. Have you got a link to the cheapy 5v DC dew strips please.
  7. Here is the thread. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/745479-barlowed-laser-collimation-10-f5-step-by-step/
  8. As many of you know the cheaper lasers are usually not collimated I have just read a thread about checking your laser using a mirror (flat) to see if the laser light comes back and down the centre hole. Has anyone read this and what do the more experienced people think.
  9. £32 mine but we'll worth it in my opinion.
  10. Thank you for that the tutorial I used never mentioned the other two bolts, I can now do this and get it as near as possible to perfect. Paul
  11. Exactly the one I have used it for the first time last night and it surprised me how clear and bright the image was Jupiter looked great 3 bands visable.
  12. The supply is 10amp it was just the cable getting pulled when the telescope went back gave it slack so the connector went in all the way and turned the mount on again.
  13. Brilliant if I ever get a dob I will get one of those DSC systems rather than faffing about with goto
  14. Great session Peter I was dying to get out and check my mount out after fiddling with the gears to get backlash out but had a nightmare Wednesday is supposed to be clear so I will have it all sorted for then.
  15. Brilliant I had a nightmare glad you got out some great targets there bet they looked even better in the 16"
  16. After calibrating the gears on the EQ5, backlash was awful Dec axis I could turn the cog nearly 60° before the axis moved the RA wasnt as bad 20° or so. I had already tried it in the house and everything seemed fine, set up 3 star alignment sent it to Jupiter first off was only a tad out pulled it into the middle noticed a bit of drift to the right even when I had took my finger off the button. Sent it to Saturn mount moved 2" to the right stopped and power went off checked all connections power came on once I had entered the details into the handset and done another three star alignment sent it to Jupiter once again a tad out again centred it nice views of 3 moons one on one side two on the other very close to each other. Sent the mount to Saturn same thing again off went the power looked down at power pack that was still on (Blue Light) checked all connections power came on. Stated all over again this happened a further 3 times when I got fed up and started packing away, took the weight off then went to take dew strips off it was then I found one of the cables was tight it had caught on the locking lever of the tripod and the penny dropped that was what was stopping the mount and pulling on the power cable. I had packed up nearly everything anyway and want to check that the gears are not slipping so brought everything in. I have now sent for a portable power supply just a bit bigger than a smartphone with usb`s in and sent for some usb connectors going to replace the 5.5mm x 2.1mm connectors with the usb ones then I can wrap the cable around the OTA plug in and have it in the middle held on with a bungee cord that will stop anything catching again. Paul
  17. Steve is a very nice bloke sent me some 7x50 binoculars which I have had some great views through. Hopefully one day I will get to meet you both for a chinwag.
  18. I have 2 f10s and a f9. 3 I use a EQ5 goto but I need a pier extension to take the the long frac.
  19. Usually just out I use my telrad first get it close look through the 24mm centre it then just work down to the 8mm.
  20. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-star-adventurer/astro-essentials-3-8-photo-adapter-for-heq5-az5-tripod.html
  21. EQ5/ Heq5 steel leg tripod may fit a lot sturdier. https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/skyWatcher-stainless-steel-tripod.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlOmLBhCHARIsAGiJg7nG5I-tkf8HpPP8wUDCOSw5ZFOHWl28MZNCFPx4nNZzDlr645Vb0loaApRzEALw_wcB
  22. Does anyone know if you can fit a dual speed focuser to a Tal 100rs and if so which one and a run through of how to do it please. If not is there any way to update the the original focuser to dual.
  23. From reading this I should get prism diagonals for my slow scopes i.e two f10s and a 9.3 going cost me a fortune.
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