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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Thank you Heather never thought of inflatable mats had the feeling they would hold the cold like the airbeds. I have a really bad back had epidural 4 weeks ago so I would prefer the double height airbeds for comfort. Paul
  2. I'm getting a new tent and new airbeds in the new year so if there room. Now can someone give me any ideas for keeping warm I have these thin thermal rolls for under the airbeds and was thinking of putting a wool of fleece blanket on top with our sleeping bags and two heaters going should that be enough, thanks for the help.
  3. I have the 4.5mm and 6mm I like them alot very good in my scopes plenty of eye relief and easy to position your eye.
  4. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  5. I have the 20mm clear and bright views for the money they are very good.
  6. I was thinking about heat currents and wondered if by applying the dew strip just behind the glass that would stop the glass dewing up but also stop any warm air currents in front of the OTA I just thought I would ask other astronomers what they thought.
  7. A 5v dew strip, a Anker power pack and two convertors that plug into the power pack 5v and give 12v out so I can still use my other dew strips, no more dangling cables.
  8. I have read and seen a few posts of dew strips position behind the dew shield on refractors myself have always positioned mine on the dew shield just in front of the glass what do the more experienced astronomers think please.
  9. A warm welcome to SGL
  10. I don't know about the marks they have those central obstruction not sure whether a 6" would be an improvement over the 5" frac maybe someone more familiar with maks can answer better.
  11. Nice one Doug I saw that myself Seven sisters Hyades Orion Gemini Leo coming up and ursa major stood up cracking sight.
  12. Disappointed I didn't see any Aurora as other people had lower down the country than me.
  13. I had a upset stomach to put it politely and wasn't feeling very well so went to bed early. Woke up at 11.45pm with my stomach on fire came down to get some tablets and gaviscon looked outside clear as a bell. Waited until stomach was a bit better thought I have got to get out so set up at 2am looked at M42 E and F were clearly visible. I thought I would try Rigel that was difficult but managed it so thought have a go at the pup got Sirius if FOV then moved it right to the edge even with the 8mm in at x147 there it was I had to look twice then averted but yes there it was in my 5" refractor this was 3am I then packed up and got some shut eye totally made up.
  14. After much searching I have just found this. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174579167698?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item28a5bab1d2:g:1-wAAOSwYORfJZL5&amdata=enc%3AAQAGAAAC0PYe5NmHp%2B2JMhMi7yxGiTJkPrKr5t53CooMSQt2orsSDAeS9EQtjPGVfKXTxF0%2BjgbSKYWxfyiVJAnkaVETdNwVfaGAn8iBfnuJkS0tF9kM3zzgtGvFtukOVn0go1n7cfnhHuETkJquK6JjUDVchijF%2BBVvIWJkyltCTUbgSdWDYzjD8RrL%2FFVHoROQUGWyvEOeIccYTKWu6zazgHS3g51mhLoOAufsRWATMayX%2B5E82AGDUv3Qg8YASJBrUau%2BrnYm16V0BcTw3fqtWVH6%2FPhgf6kAUtWuvfYF%2BVDyP4H0gYyLgOqaiDWrZtDqh1AXVOC%2BwS0KzswVLgdMsCYLzien4jKgdQvP7MlV%2BlKBx3kI7C6u8xpk0wlYfzAFDru9%2FHGA69bxtc239Omk6arvey1wdJ%2BRLdEbyppaUx3%2FsebKVedV1EI%2BFOxoh%2B0iNKNH2n6dwEkDnmWW5uzNtHgHXF0A3%2BYKOkH%2Fr2q2DOEX96SuTzVMNYbZkC6AEOWbKfxjCKR9rzNDEr7AboJRcZ8S8TIeOg72oA3OQ%2BhuaDnjPuIHRo3A10GvqEDlqy1Wot2MQl61zmBh2EDjddCqozCfHtRX2HxAz%2FDftcBLzv%2BHD%2FyHTIgKKkgx5JCMsPKrE52FvILN1Gi3LNqVta1JibVsHA%2F3MA52VQYRj6cSz8XmuSC8%2B06RSH8%2FIwodWgWT6ZobmJElkDal7kTn8f2%2Fj%2FqI2ru049aNvMDS92X53i0XrA1pVH9RXoKufebIJn2EMIM80fYd5U7R1SizwHJ2V334xf6N8gI0%2FMmHNniBtKvqYoAkNmFfJHzku09fySDlp%2F4HXVs3SEj2hkCBmq%2Bn0xVEIZi30cl3o5Wx1%2FSJjxs45NtwDWrSvev6oQtFQ5FLZM0GA7C0CJcUDoJYIXr8y6EM%2F73DbIsrXWo2pKL4VOAOzp%2FFsyuLGCUH19GOqPtm3nNALg%3D%3D|clp%3A2334524|tkp%3ABFBMzKjI45xf
  15. Yes the 480mm would probably fit my 5" only trouble is these are from the USA if there was a UK outlet that would be brilliant, I have seen a 45cm one but not a SVBONY one.
  16. They are w&w astro ones that I will use seems a shame to buy them and now not be able to use them especially as I have sent for a specific USB one for my 4" but cannot find a 50cm one for my 5" so a convertor would be ideal.
  17. Do you know of one that can do that for my dew heaters please I have four 2 for each scope 2 w&w astro ones and two home made ones made from resistors.
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