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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Yes I would have to mark the tripod position, it is just if I can do that I have to change position depending on what I am looking at.
  2. Yes doubles and clusters are the only things I go for now from home. Going the Lake District in a few weeks for a weekend hoping get clear skies there. Paul
  3. Very nice great set up, love to have a look through it sometime.
  4. Brilliant cracking read and some great objects thanks for posting.
  5. There is a setting on the handset to track Solar, I set up every time I use a compass to find North. I point the North leg to the compass I usually have to centre the sun every now and again but it tracks for ages before I have to adjust it.
  6. Sky & Telescope Pocket star Atlas. Cambridge star Atlas These are the two I use. For planning I use Sissy Haas and the Cambridge double star Atlas
  7. I have 3 refractors, I did have a 8" reflector but in light polluted skies it was hard to see anything but the brighter stuff, I was introduced to double stars by a very good friend. Now I use my 4" and 5" refractors on mostly double stars and brighter clusters and planetary nebula. But you are correct I also miss resolving clusters into individual stars and with M13 prominent now I do miss it.
  8. A warm welcome to SGL.
  9. Well I thought they would of done the same here but got that piece of junk. That is my South.
  10. Same here built a big housing estate at the back of me lights everywhere and put new LED lighting up. This is what they put on a lamp when I asked to have it shielded like a chocolate ashtray. Next one through the bedroom window, I have had to get blackout blinds fitted.
  11. Virgo is south of me and I cannot see anything south, houses and street lamp. nice few objects there Doug.
  12. I do like these and the Rainbow astro RST-135e really look like great bits of kit. With a carbon fibre tripod, extension your looking at 15kgs max if my calculations are right light enough to carry anywhere.
  13. Hissing down here could not see anything. 😢
  14. Any SAO numbers for these the only one I can find is Sigma 1850, as I am an avid double star fan I would love to get them in my scope.
  15. If you are just making the first one longer then yes I agree but I would go and buy a longer one just in case. Plenty of people get extension cords/reels and don't uncoil it all when using it, which is also dangerous.
  16. From Which magazine. Is an extension lead on an extension lead really a bad idea? and many other sources. Yes it is. You should never 'daisy-chain' extension leads together. If you use more than one extension lead per socket it will significantly raise the risk of overloading the socket. Read more: https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/how-to-avoid-overloading-your-plug-sockets-at-home-aTSuv5g17VME - Which? No. If you connect two or more extension leads together (sometimes known as 'daisy-chaining), the resistance of the extension leads increase. This can lead to overheating and fires. Only use one extension lead per socket and never plug an extension lead into another.
  17. Does this not need any counterweights? What tripods fit this please.
  18. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  19. I have yet to see Mercury quite elusive for me not having a horizon to look at.
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