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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I've done fault-finding in the past using an IR thermometer to check component temperatures - sames burning your fingers.
  2. My current version is working fine so I'm adopting the idiom that "if it ain't broke don't fix it". That has done me pretty well so far!
  3. Thank you for all your nice comments everyone 😀
  4. Widefield view of IC1396 and SH2-129 captured in H-Alpha with Astrodon 3nm Ha filter. 56x5m subs totalling 4h 40m. Processed in PixInsight. Calibrated with darks and flats, star aligned and stacked (Image Integration). Post-processed using ABE (Automatic Background Extraction) to remove background gradient then stretched using HistogramTransformation (levels). Finally the image was scaled for posting here.
  5. Widefield view of the Flaming Star & Tadpoles captured in H-Alpha with Astrodon 3nm Ha filter. One hour total integration. Processed in PixInsight. Calibrated with darks and flats, star aligned and stacked (Image Integration). Post-processed using ABE (Automatic Background Extraction) to remove background gradient then stretched using HistogramTransformation (levels). Finally the image was scaled for posting here.
  6. OK - in two sections bolted together... I can't see me building a printer capable of 1.2m height. But then again, you never know with me!!
  7. I enjoyed it. Better than average production, I thought.
  8. Coming on nicely Chris. I could print the telescope compartment on my Giant printer (if I had the Giant printer working 🤣).
  9. Hubble Telescope - Horizon - BBC2 NOW.
  10. I know it was different from normal enamelled copper wire - the coating was a lighter colour if I remember right.
  11. But is this the sort of enamel that doesn't need stripping off for soldering as I was describing?
  12. It used to be possible to get insulated copper wire where the insulation didn't need stripping off for soldering. That was decades ago and I don't know if it's still available. I used it for making transformers and coils for radio. When making a lot of coils with tappings etc. it saved a lot of time and effort.
  13. Nice one At first I thought you were 3D printing the tube but you would need lots of height or several sections bolted together.
  14. How Britain Won the Space Race: The Story of Bernard Lovell and Jodrell Bank
  15. I have a Very Large Printer on the books to be done sometime but the bed is only 500mm x 500mm so wont take 600mm.
  16. Actually, nor have I - yet 🤣 Working towards precision rather than size ATM but...
  17. Makes a change from PLA but I know you haven't got a printer big enough 🤣
  18. I too leave everything out overnight if I'm imaging and there's a good chance of capturing data. But if there's rain forecast I close up before going to bed. I haven't got my observatory roof automated yet.
  19. I use KStars and having calculated the FOV I just put it in the FOV settings.
  20. I think they would. Even the 10W one might be enough at a guess. Make sure you have good cooling of the hot side.
  21. OMG that's terrible - shocking!!!
  22. I had similar feelings a few years ago. Was fed up with the trials and tribulations of DSO imaging and with thousands of pounds tied up in astro equipment. But, thankfully, I never got round to selling it. After two or three years break, I suddenly got the bug again and since then kept going. At the time of giving up I would look outside and breathe a sigh of relief if it was cloudy - means I didn't have to mess about imaging! I had a good think about where I was going in life and switched to another hobby. I've since read that a number of members have found the same. It can do you good to have a break from all the difficult stuff and return with renewed heart.
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