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Everything posted by Debo

  1. Thanks but I think maybe I'm getting a bit too carried away with the colour saturation (note to self must tone it down a bit) 🤔
  2. A fabulous clear blue sky today, however the seeing was all over the place varying from rubbish to fairly good. Here's a image of today's vaguely active region.
  3. Cracking images . You must be delighted with your new scope.
  4. It's a shame you didn't 😉
  5. Many SGL members do collect meteorites and I'm sure there will be plenty in interest in your ads
  6. Good result, nice one
  7. Enjoyed it, a very entertaining episode.
  8. Fantastic time lapse well worth all the effort involved
  9. Looking good, keep it coming 👍
  10. A cloudless blue sky today and a lot less windy than yesterday. There are some fine proms on display at the moment and worth a look/image if you can get the chance.
  11. Very wind conditions today but got an image of the big prom.
  12. Clavius is one of my favourite craters probably because of the 2001 A Space Odyssey moon base, I grabbed this image last night while the seeing was good.
  13. Fantastic detail, a really super image
  14. All very disappointing, out of 400 images I managed to capture just 1/2 of one 🙁
  15. Hi Freddie it's a composite, I copy/paste the surface disk detail across to the proms image (PS elements the magic wand tool) and add some colour.
  16. Here's the hedge prom from today, makes a nice change to see a bit of solar activity.
  17. Best ever Venus image, brilliant
  18. Thanks Daemon, the sky conditions last night were absolutely perfect, no jet stream and no aircraft.
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