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Everything posted by Debo

  1. Beautiful solar viewing today, just a tad breezy. Here's a time lapse from this afternoon, it covers approx one hour in the life of today's biggest prom.
  2. There's a new active region coming into view and maybe a new spot, looking forward to the next couple of days . Here's an image from today, the seeing was all wobbly and horrid 🙁
  3. David, Quark route is a good way to go but you may want one of those cheap 0.5x reducers that screw into the base of the eyepiece https://www.firstlightoptics.com/reducersflatteners/astro-essentials-05x-1-25-focal-reducer.html The standard quark (the combo also I think) has an integral 4.2x barlow and will give you a high magnification and a somewhat dimmer view, I find that for visual and imaging I generally use the reducer as it gives me a wider and brighter view.
  4. Thanks Dave, I did feel bored 😁
  5. Hi Dave, Good call, the sequence was at 10 frames a second, I'll try at 5 and see what it's like.
  6. Hi Dave, A 130 f7 refractor (with a Baader 135mm D-EFR filter) , a ZWO ASI 178mm camera using Firecapture's Autorun feature to capture 30 avi files (one every 90 seconds). Then lots of faffin about with Registax etc.
  7. Thanks for your suggestions, both PIPP and IMPPG made big improvements. Here's the IMPPG version. Prom_20200524.avi
  8. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely give it go. Should be fun
  9. My 1st attempt at a time lapse and impressed, it consists of 29 x jpegs which relates to about an hour in real time, I used startrails to create the video. The problem is the individual images are not aligned and therefore results in a horrid jerky video. Any suggestions from you solar imagers on which software I should be using in order to get a better result? Cheers Den Startrails2.avi
  10. Here's another from last night's conjunction.
  11. HI Richard, equip was :- 130mm F7 refractor with a 135mm Baader D-ERF filter, ZWO ASI 178MM Camera and a Daystar Chromosphere Quark.
  12. Thanks Dave, it was a good day and with something to image for a change, good luck with your images.
  13. Go for it you won't be disappointed, got mine around six years ago and had no problems.
  14. Hi there thanks, my setup is a 130mm F7 refractor with a 135mm Baader D-ERF filter, ZWO ASI 178MM Camera and a Daystar Chromosphere Quark.
  15. The seeing was half decent early on then went pear shaped from late morning on, here's a couple of images from today, AR with Prom and close up of AR.
  16. Super images, very fine detail in the close up. Nice !
  17. Thanks but I think maybe I'm getting a bit too carried away with the colour saturation (note to self must tone it down a bit) 🤔
  18. A fabulous clear blue sky today, however the seeing was all over the place varying from rubbish to fairly good. Here's a image of today's vaguely active region.
  19. Cracking images . You must be delighted with your new scope.
  20. It's a shame you didn't 😉
  21. Many SGL members do collect meteorites and I'm sure there will be plenty in interest in your ads
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