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Member's Album

A collection of our member's albums


  1. Solar System Objects

    Planet & Solar System Images taken through a 8" SCT using various cameras and barlow lens combinations as stated in the description of each photo.
    • Album created by MarsG76
    • Updated
    • 80 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 39 image comments
    • 80 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 39 image comments
  2. My beginner efforts

    Any feedback etc gratefully welcomed.
    Just bare in mind my gear was only 'fixed' (not changing) for the more recent images, so back focus, etc shouldn't change much for the foreseeable future.
    • Album created by TiffsAndAstro
    • Updated
    • 88 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 2 image comments
    • 88 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 2 image comments
  3. Lunar

    • Album created by StarRaver
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  4. Spad's Astrophotography Shananagins

    My attempts at cloud dodging to rake some deep space photis by an utter tool!
    • Album created by Spad
    • Updated
    • 20 images
    • 20 images
  5. Other Peoples Photons

    Images created from data archive downloads from the Internet
    • Album created by Hawksmoor
    • Updated
    • 38 images
    • 10 image comments
    • 38 images
    • 10 image comments
  6. Saturn

    Saturn from 2014 onwards
    • Album created by Hawksmoor
    • Updated
    • 21 images
    • 7 image comments
    • 21 images
    • 7 image comments

    • Album created by ANTARES1_1
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  8. TBDavies astro images

    • Album created by TBDavies57
    • Updated
    • 44 images
    • 44 images
  9. ZWOASI533MM captures

    sets of images new camera from my
    • Album created by Bill Phenix
    • Updated
    • 111 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 7 image comments
    • 111 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 7 image comments
  10. Backyard Astronomy

    • Album created by Hawksmoor
    • Updated
    • 153 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 33 image comments
    • 153 images
    • 2 album comments
    • 33 image comments
  11. 16" F5 Restoration

    Busy restoring a 16" F5 Newtonian on a fork Equatorial mount. 
    • Album created by AP Pienaar
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  12. Deep Sky III

    Images taken with a Trius 814 and a Esprit 150

    • Album created by alan4908
    • Updated
    • 173 images
    • 3 album comments
    • 90 image comments
    • 173 images
    • 3 album comments
    • 90 image comments
  13. Francis-Astro images

    Images taken using a mix of mono DSLR, OSC DSLR, Cooled OSC cameras on observatory mounted telescopes. Now OSC almost excusively.
    • Album created by fwm891
    • Updated
    • 138 images
    • 14 image comments
    • 138 images
    • 14 image comments
  14. My journey

    Creating somewhat of an astronomy journal, track my progress over the coming years.
    • Album created by Groovyson
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  15. Deep Sky Astrophotography

    A collection of my Deep Space Object photographs.
    These images have been take through a 8" SCT, 80mm refractor or various lenses using a full spectrum modded and cooled Canon 40D or a QHY268M astro camera (as stated in the description of each photo).
    • Album created by MarsG76
    • Updated
    • 191 images
    • 37 image comments
    • 191 images
    • 37 image comments
  16. The Moon

    • Album created by Hawksmoor
    • Updated
    • 46 images
    • 24 image comments
    • 46 images
    • 24 image comments
  17. zero gravity binocular chair

    Prototype Bino-Chair at 2023 Stellafane Competition

    • Album created by dpselinger
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 9 images
  18. The Sun

    • Album created by Hawksmoor
    • Updated
    • 27 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 27 images
    • 1 image comment
  19. Borneo Skies

    Images captured through my scope in my backyard in the tropics of Borneo. 
    • Album created by Vic L S
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  20. Comets, Meteors and Asteroids

    • Album created by Hawksmoor
    • Updated
    • 52 images
    • 34 image comments
    • 52 images
    • 34 image comments
  21. Deep Sky

    Deep sky images from my backyard
    • Album created by Giancarlo Melis
    • Updated
    • 30 images
    • 1 album comment
    • 30 images
    • 1 album comment
  22. Kyuss

    2024 Imaging
    • Album created by Kyuss
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  23. Rogue Observatory

    Southern Oregon, USA
    • 4 images
  24. X

    • 1 image

    Any shots of stars , the moon , planets ,  satellites, UFO's! Anything sky related! 🌙 ✨ 🪐 👽 🌠 ☄️
    • Album created by Jessilee
    • Updated
    • 12 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 12 images
    • 1 image comment

344 images

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