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Member's Album

A collection of our member's albums


  1. iastrophotography

    All pictures taken with an iPhone 6 through a 4.5" dobsonian telescope. No tracking or stacking.
    • Album created by Galen Gilmore
    • Updated
    • 42 images
    • 42 images
  2. Misc1

    • Album created by Guy Wells
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  3. Dereks Album

    • Album created by dokeeffe
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  4. Lunar

    Moon mosaic sw200p qhy5l-11

    • 1 image
  5. CCD venture

    Finally got my grubby mitts on a CCD camera - and the 'old but new-to-me' atik 16HR is giving some good results.
    Teaching myself basic narrowband imaging/processing techniques. 
    NGC6888 Crescent ne bu.tif
    • Album created by Aenima
    • Updated
    • 14 images
    • 14 images
  6. Astrophotography

    • Album created by Samibotss
    • Updated
    • 17 images
    • 17 images
  7. Slynxx Learning Curve

    Some of my first trials at astrophotography. Of any space objects.
    • Album created by Slynxx
    • Updated
    • 18 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 18 images
    • 1 image comment
  8. 2017 New Years Session

    The clouds left way to crisp cold but clear skies from December 29th till Jan 3rd, allowing for a few chances to snap some pic during my Christmas break.

    • Album created by zakky2k
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  9. Lunar 12 Nov 2016

    Scope: Orion ST80, Camera: Bresser MikrOkular HD
    30 second video @ 25 fps, stacked in Registax 6.

    • Album created by Geoff_L
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  10. First Attempts


    • Album created by ManixZero
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 8 images
  11. Lunar

    Moon shots from Shipley

    • Album created by Airebrain
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  12. Alt-AZ DSO

    Star Discovery 150P Alt-AZ images.
    • Album created by Nigel G
    • Updated
    • 54 images
    • 5 image comments
    • 54 images
    • 5 image comments
  13. Tal 100 RS

    • Album created by jonzo
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  14. Moon Images Album 12/01/2017

    Some more images of the moon, taken with my NIKON D5300 & a Celestron x2 Barlow with screw top attachment.
    I know that most are not to clear, but there is a couple keepers in there, and as i perfect my photography and astrophotography, well i can have fun along the way getting there hey.
    • Album created by mark117h
    • Updated
    • 43 images
    • 43 images
  15. My first steps

    My archive of the first steps I take in astronomy and astrophotography.
    • Album created by Pieter
    • Updated
    • 7 images
    • 6 image comments
    • 7 images
    • 6 image comments
  16. First Pics

    • Album created by matd
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 6 images
    • 3 image comments
  17. Moon Images Album 2

    Some Moon images i took with my Astronomy / Photography Equipment.
    • Album created by mark117h
    • Updated
    • 21 images
    • 21 images
  18. DSO 5 Months in

    Got a second hand 200p skywatcher newtonian  in November on an EQ5 mount and added some clock drives. up until the end of the year I was struggling to get anymore than a 30 second exposure without significant star trails. Then I noticed one cold night that my polar scope was not properly aligned with the RA axis of the mount. Bang - one quick field fix later and these are 90second single exposure efforts. Canon 1200d 3200iso RAW with dehaze and some slight tweaking in lightroom. No filters no autoguiders but a shed load of patience. wish I could master the drift alignment method next or get a lightweight autoguider.
    • Album created by sennetor
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  19. Skywatcher Explorer 130/900 EQ2 - Planet Album

    Skywatcher Explorer 130/900 Telescope EQ2 Mount (No Motors) Neximage 5/ Xbox Live Webcam  
    • Album created by Cooper
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 5 album comments
    • 6 images
    • 5 album comments
  20. Astro sketches

    Some final drawings of the deep south before we return North
    • Album created by timwetherell
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 10 images
    • 3 image comments
  21. iPhone 6 Plus Photo's

    Some photo's taken with my iPhone 6 Plus through the 'scope   
    • Album created by Woolnut
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  22. Deep Sky

    Deep sky images.
    • Album created by IanL
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 10 images
    • 1 image comment
  23. shaunmk

    1st night out with new scope... wonderful to see the moon through my new scope..fitted my nikon to tripod and got some cracking shots

    • Album created by shaunmk
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  24. Untitled Album

    • Album created by Joseki
    • Updated
    • 21 images
    • 21 images
  25. 1st scope

    my 1st scope..total beginner

    • Album created by shaunmk
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images

343 images

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