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    Astronomy, space, games, movies, ...
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  1. Want to buy : clear skies at night

  2. Getting sick of these clouds!!!!!

  3. Pieter

    M51 (reprocessed)

    Wow nice result and good thing you picked this back up. So much better than your other one (which was already something that I can only hope to once achieve). Top right galaxy (IGC 4263 I think it is) also got so much better!
  4. There haven't been any clear skies at night for over a month now... frustrating!

  5. Pieter

    My first steps

    My archive of the first steps I take in astronomy and astrophotography.
  6. 3 hours of 168 hours are "clear skies" for the next 7 days :(

  7. Pieter


    It is a sight to behold, especially when your vacation was almost over and already took peace with the fact that we would'nt see it anymore. Our joy was immense when it suddenly filled the skies
  8. Pieter


    Thanks! It's a good thing this is a small resolution though because there is a lot of noise on the bigger ones
  9. Had a nice view of the moon and my first glance at Orion using my parent's Eschenbach Miyauchi. I can not wait to get out of this apartment and into my new garden with no big apartment block light turning on every time a neighbour drives through the parking lot!!!


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