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Steve Ward

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Steve Ward last won the day on June 12 2023

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    nr Newmarket

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  1. With all due respect , if there were a Martian transit of Jupiter on the cards then it wouldn't have just been stumbled upon by someone randomly playing on Stellarium , it would be in every astronomer's diary across the globe ... 😏
  2. My old version (1.2) shows I'd need my full frame EOS 6D and 600mm lens to fit them both on screen at your settings ... 😏
  3. Glorious blue first thing but truly hateful seeing , close-ups came out all right but the disc's a mess ...
  4. I've just made a video of the region in Helioviewer that shows it developing , I'm still none the wiser though ... 😏 2024_06_21_06_37_24_2024_06_22_16_44_09_HMI_Int-hq Take Three.mp4
  5. Thank you Pete , I was very happy when I started playing with the stacks and saw how nice they were looking.
  6. I was determined to get a closer look at that strange feature in the AR I saws this morning , and the blue returned just in the nick of time ... laugh.gif Any of you experts out there care to shed a little light on it for me ... ?
  7. The NASA/SDO Continuum data shows it clearly including a small loop ruling out an anomoly my end ... 😏 And here's the long drawn out flare at the time I was imaging , a strong upsurge then a plateau ... !
  8. An early session proved hopeless with dreadful wobbles then a heavy shower , the shower passed so I quickly threw everything outside again and tried again , the seeing had improved no end ... There's a very unusual large bright area in the umbra of the AR I animated yesterday , could that be a flare showing through ? I'm hoping for another look soon to see if it's still there. This is when I was capturing data.
  9. An early session proved hopeless with dreadful wobbles then a heavy shower , the shower passed so I quickly threw everything outside again and tried again , the seeing had improved no end ... There's a very unusual large bright area in the umbra of the AR I animated yesterday , could that be a flare showing through ? I'm hoping for another look soon to see if it's still there.
  10. Well on closer inspection and with a closer crop and speed tweak it would appear that my hunch was correct and I did catch quite a bit of movement in the penumbra between the two main spots in just a couple of hours ... laugh.gif
  11. Well my plans to attend the Kelling heath Solar Party were thwarted as soon as I saw how good the seeing was this morning ... 😵 So I stayed home and made the most of it , even tried a 2 hour animation for the first time , the AR that's grown so over the week looked a good bet to catch some movement but there's not a lot to see for so much faffing about , shan't be bothering again ... 😏 Close-up collection. And the not-so animated animation for what it's worth ... !
  12. Haven't had a five day run with such a busy disc since I can't remember when ...
  13. Glorious morning here with clear blue as far as I could see ... 😏
  14. Another day of grab what you can through the haze ...
  15. Interesting exercise this morning , like shooting through gently simmering milk ... But with a thicker band of cloud bearing down on me it was a case of grab a few hundred frames and hope for the best ...
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