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Selected Regions of The Milky Way

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Greetings SGL members.

It has been some time since I have posted any new film images. It is true that I have been having a fling with a mistress named DSLR, but my heart is in these images done in the way I learned thirty years ago.

My last imaging session according to my Log book was October 11, 2012. I had just finished a roll of Superia that night and I almost never returned. I began experimenting with digital. It was fun and productive but I missed my old film images. I was delayed further about one year ago. Without warning I suffered a severe heart attack. It was quite the scene. I was a goner for sure if not for the help of some cracker jack EMT's that kept CPR going. I was gone for over 15 minutes. The ER got me back and the chopper flight to an emergency heart catheterization lab placed a stent and after several months of rehab I am back and good as new!

I had one great session in late June. For several back-to-back nights the weather cooperated enough to image with a new lens and I wanted to share with you all.

The images below are taken with the Pentax 67 and the 400mm F/4 SMC Takumar lens. I used apertures of f/4.8 or f/5.6 for 40-50 minute exposures on Fuji Neopan Acros 100 black and white negative film.

You can read about my project plan and inspiration here:


You can view the images and read about them here:


Here is a legend to the several images taken in June.

14750796594_c7d5b2bfa2_b.jpgPictures at Eleven by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

Below are some of the results.  These are preliminary images that were scanned rather hastily, but these results look promising.  I need to go back and remaster each image, something that will take me awhile.  A good task for winter when I am shut indoors. 

14748689822_19c6a367e3_b.jpgMessier 24 Region by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

14768747843_1d0a131f16_b.jpgRegion of Dark Lanes in Ophiuchus by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

14561472088_a02873bb2e_b.jpgThe Southern Scutum Star Cloud by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

14764057453_ebbbaba128_b.jpgThe Dark Nebulae Around Theta Ophiuchi by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

Apologies for the smaller sized image here:

14533366200_8c47341347_b.jpgThe Great Star Cloud in Scutum by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

14688946026_c7ac64bdcb_b.jpgMessier 22 Region in Sagittarius by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

14703823142_c442193a71_b.jpgThe Great Sagittarius Star Cloud by Nightfly Photographic, on Flickr

Thanks for looking.  I hope you enjoyed them.


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Thank you all.  It was fairly difficult work and I was pleasantly surprised that all frames came out as expected.  Guiding for each frame was corrected manually and there was some issues with nighttime insects, so I am glad I did not bump the system during exposures.  Aircraft was a concern and several exposures had to be capped during their presence around the field.  Fireflies (or lightning bugs) seemed to like where I was pointed!  I thought I missed a few of them, but the films did not record any occurrences.   

Overall it was great fun and I am hoping for good weather for another round.  Color this time.  We'll see.  The current dark run is about over.  Late August should be promising.

It's good to have the strength and energy to get back at it.  It has been good therapy.  Looks like years of imaging to come.  

Thanks again.


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