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The Sagittarius region in the Milky Way - HaLRGB

This image of a part of the Milky Way/Sagittarius region was imaged with a QHY268M and a Sigma 80-400mm EX zoom telephoto lens at 80mm focal length on the nights between 25th June and the morning of 9th July 2022.

Sagittarius is a large constellation located south of the ecliptic, FOV near toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
This constellation is in a region of the Milky Way which is rich in gas and dust as well as various nebulae and objects through out. Objects such as the Omega, Trifid and Lagoon nebulae... full list of objects detected in Astrometry.net listed below.

The total integration time for this image was 14 hours and 52 minutes of subs, 54 subs each of 90 and 180 second for Luminance, and 100 x 60 second subs for the red channel, 71 x 120 second subs for the green channel and 64 x 180 second subs for the blue channel for the broadband data and 43 x 300 second H-Alpha subs to emphasize the Hydrogen Alpha signal in the frame.

List of Objects within the frame as detected in Astrometry.net:

Part of the constellation Sagittarius (Sgr)
The star Kaus Media
Kaus Meridionalis
Media (δ Sgr
19 Sgr)
The star Kaus Borealis
Al Thalimain (λ Sgr
22 Sgr)
The star Alnasl
Al Nasl
El Nasl (γ Sgr
γ2 Sgr
10 Sgr)
The star Polis
Al Thalimain
Alnam (μ Sgr
13 Sgr)
The star γ1 Sgr
The star 4 Sgr
The star 21 Sgr
The star 1 Sgr
11 Sgr
The star 15 Sgr
The star 7 Sgr
IC 1274
IC 1283
IC 1284
IC 4685
IC 4701
IC 4715
Small Sgr Star Cloud
M 24
IC 4725
M 25
NGC 6494
M 23
NGC 6514
Trifid Nebula
M 20
NGC 6523
Lagoon Nebula
M 8
NGC 6526
NGC 6559
NGC 6618
Checkmark Nebula
Lobster Nebula
Swan Nebula
omega Nebula
M 17

Object name: Milky Way Galactic Center (Sagittarius A* Direction) - HaLRGB
Constellation: Sagittarius
Object ID: Milky Way
Coordinates: RA: 18h13m05.312s, DEC: -23°40’17.294”
Apparent FOV/Radius: 15.7° x 9.72° (942 x 583.2 arc-min) / 9.228°
FOV Angle: Up is 274° E of N
Object Apparent Dimensions: N/A
Exposure Date: 25 June - 9 July 2022
Distance: 25000 LY
Magnitude: 4.63
Exposures: L:54x90s & 54x180s @ FW:31 & R:100x60s, G:71x120s, B:64x180s, Ha:43x300s @ HCG:62/OFS:25 (14h52m)
Telescope: Sigma 80-400mm EX f4.5-5.6 Lens
Imaging Focal length: 80mm
Actual Focal length: 81.13mm
Camera: QHY268M -10°C BIN1x1
Resolution: 9.56”/px
Guiding: BOSMA BetaRE, ZWO ASI120MM mini, PHD2 Guiding
Mount: CGEM-HT


© Mariusz Goralski
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