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Feb 23, 2014: Horse-head Nebula and more from cold Kaltenbach (Austria)

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While I was in Kaltenbach, Austria on a skiing holiday this last week, I was able to pack all the astro gear in our car (Renault Espace) and get away with it :D. I just got myself a fairly cheap H-beta filter from APM, and, together with the second-hand LVW 42mm was as well prepared to see the Horse-head Nebula as I will ever be with the C8. On February 23 the skies were absolutely crystal clear, so I set up the scope and aligned the big finder on M42/M43. I do not think I have ever seen a better view of the Great Orion Nebula through this scope. The transparency of the sky was stunning, and in the little corner of the farm yard I had set my scope up, it was perfectly dark. The amount of detail I spotted was stunning, and M42 seemed to show not just greenish blue tints, but also had a distinct reddish look to it in parts. The UHC filter brought out more subtle detail, but the H-beta simply dimmed the view (and removed the reddish impression. NGC 1977 was an easy object in the UHC, and even without.

Encouraged by this awesome sight, I swung to Alnitak. In the LVW 42mm I could not make out much at first, but with both the UHC filter, but more so in the H-beta filter, nebulosity showed around several stars to the south of Alnitak, which did not show around similar stars nearby. The glow seemed to be stronger with H-beta filter than without, suggesting it was not glare. Averted vision was needed. After several repetitions which showed the same glow at the same position consistently. I switched to the Nagler 31T5 "Panzerfaust", which showed up the glow more clearly. I had bagged IC 434! I then started looking for the Horse-head, and found that the haze around the stars showed a dark blotch south of a row of three stars. Again, I moved the scope to and fro and consistently spotted this "dent" or blotch in the same place. Checking my Sky Atlas 2000.0 I found it was in exactly the right position to allow me to identify it as B33, the Horse-head Nebula! Bagged after 35 years of amateur astronomy. After bouncing around the farm yard I settled down for another look, and it was still there. It might not be the awe-inspiring sight of M42, or that of images many astrophotographers produce of this elusive object, but I was thrilled to see it.

I then went off on a galaxy trawl in nearby Eridanus and environs, with high hopes given the excellent conditions. NGC 1700 was first, and it proved surprisingly easy. It is very compact and has good surface brightness. NGC 1667 proved quite easy as well, and I moved NGC 1726, which was harder, but definitely there in averted vision, but NGC 1779 proved elusive. NGC 1784 in Lepus was similar to NGC1726, fortunately, and could be picked up quite readily in averted vision. A bit further south NGC1832 could be found as a compact fuzzy patch. Swinging back to Eridanus, NGC 1637 showed as a fairly easy extended patch, best in averted vision. I had spotted this before in much worse conditions, but not a companion to the north. NGC 1638 did not elude me this time. It was not easy, but a diffuse blob could be picked out at the right location. Moving to nearby Taurus, I had a look at a pair that was on my Sky Atlas 2000.0, but only one was listed in the Shapley-Ames Catalogue, and with a bolometric magnitude of 12.9, at that. I was in for a pleasant surprise, as NGC 1587 and NGC 1589 showed up quite readily, the latter more elongated than the former.

I had a brief look at Jupiter, but even in the Nagler 22T4 at 93x (used for the galaxy hunt) it looked wobbly. As so often, great transparency combined with awful seeing. I therefore swung over to M81 and M82, which showed up beautifully. The 31T5 held both easily, and some spiral structure could be seen in M81. The 22T4 gave an even better view, and M82 was stunning at 93x. SN2014J showed up nicely, and when the farmer's wife came to have a look I could show her her first supernova. I briefly showed M42/M43, and Jupiter, and then called it a night.

A super session with some great new objects, and several old friends, and the odd failure could not mar it in any way.

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What a fantastic report Michael and very many congratulations on spotting the Horsehead Nebula :smiley:

I'm hoping to bag the HH myself from the dark skies in Herefordshire at the SGL star party but it sounds as if we should consider holding it in Austria !

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Stunning session Michael, you have described the atmosphere of the location really well. Congratulations with the Horse-head, I would have considered trying for this target with the C8 whilst at the Spring Kielder star camp this weekend, had conditions been favorable, so reassuring that it is possible if under pristine conditions.  As it is, quite an uplifting account to read, after returning from a mostly cloudy / muddy weekend trip.  

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I think most  readers of this account of your observing session, will enjoy it as much as you did  actually experiencing the wonderful site and conditions rarely, if ever present in the UK.

         You must be delighted to have ticked off the missing visual targets on your list. 

Nice indeed, and thanks for posting a great report, it's almost like being there.


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Great stuff Michael. It's always nice to read when someone has spotted the nags head with more modest apertures as it shows people that it's not giant aperture but getting to dark skies that make observing these elusive objects possible.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks everybody. It was great to see it. I was so over the moon I forgot to go after the Flame, which is still on my to-do list. 

I find when the Flame is visible there's a much better chance to see the horse :smiley:

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How did I miss this? Great report.

I don't want this to turn into a filter comparision thread but, do you recommend the UHC filter for the C8, does it make a difference?

Planning on buying a filter for my dark skies holiday.

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