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Cygnus Smoke Ring?


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As Peter noted, I think there's quite a few widefield images that show a lot of "dark" avenues around Cygnus - Mine isn't nearly as well framed as either Mel's or Peter's, but it shows something similar:


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I'm not sure it's a single structure, though it would be a great discovery if you could prove it was?

It's not obvious on my image which was specially processed to show the dark dust lanes. Maybe it's more apparent in Ha?


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I can certainly trace at least some of it on my own image which was processed for nebulosity. I'd love to think that this is a single 'something' but suspect that it is the eye finding patterns. How the ancients came away with some of their constellation name choices based on patterns is quite beyond me though!

If this is a new discovery then I'd be thrilled for you!


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I'm not sure it's a single structure, though it would be a great discovery if you could prove it was?

It's not obvious on my image which was specially processed to show the dark dust lanes. Maybe it's more apparent in Ha?


I can see an oval shape with slightly pointed right-hand end in there on my 22" monitor with the image nearly filling the screen. I can also see a bubble, with slightly flattened sides, inside the oval. That is a fantastic image :)
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I cropped the top left corner to make this easier to pick out.

A more continuous, but smaller circle - or even a sphere with moderate opacity? The tip of the arrow is just touching the outer edge of the ring/sphere...


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I'm with the 'illusion' crowd, its quite easy to make different patterns that can sometimes appear to make generic shapes or patterns, I see the ring that you point out and although you could possibly be right - the difference in the shade of light and the parts that seem a little more tenuously linked lead to me think its less likely.

Oh but fantastic image though love it :D

As for

laser_jock99 .....

oh my how many stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! magnificent shows how insignificant we really are!

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I can see an oval shape with slightly pointed right-hand end in there on my 22" monitor with the image nearly filling the screen. I can also see a bubble, with slightly flattened sides, inside the oval. That is a fantastic image :)

If you squint at these dust ridden images even more structure seems to pop out. I'd like to try the area in pure Ha and see if I could get an image as good as Melsky's though.

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Thanks for all you comments

I'm not entirely convinced myself which is why I asked the question, I agree the human brain is brilliant at joining the dots up.

Below is a link to the full size non flashing image (4000px x 2605px) which I've had as my desktop background for the last

few weeks which caused me to notice "the smoke ring" feel free to check it out.




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The eye certainly gets led around there - but, for example the darker section from bottom left corner to bottom right corner begins to look like a single object, and then the various other bits begin to separate (if you see what I mean?).

It would be a huge and very strange artefact if it was indeed a single entity. But then, the sky is full of strange things :)

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Here's a wider view of the region in Ha I took last year. My first test when I got the Ha filter :) Not sure what I see though.

If you squint at this photo the 'smoke ring' looks bigger (more round) than Melsky's green plot. If this is a single object then it's huge. Can't find anything on the web though?

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If you take a line through approx 330 degrees from left to right there is almost symmetry with the clouds of dust and to this apparent smoke ring which lends itself to single point source origin such as a large stellar explosion but again I must confess I am not overly convinced its a singularity. Pure speculation, fascinating to question it though :D

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