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Humour me with this one...

Wanted to image the fantastic colour display from Sirius.

Anyway, found the best way was to de focus the star

then save an AVI from the toucam.

Split the avi into BMP's and made a short animated Gif from them.

You might have to wait a few seconds for the frames to load

Pretty isn't it :rolleyes:


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I can't tell but I'm guessing that the colour is the same for all parts of the image in one frame


It's interesting to look at the individual frames.

Each frame is randomly multicoloured and a beauty in it's own right.

Tried to get the effect on an avi of a focused star but it

wasn't as dramatic as the de focused one. :rolleyes:

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Could someone try this with colourd doubles, ie Abireo, Gamma Andromeda. Maybe not quite as defocussed. I bet they'll look pretty good too.

I will give it a go when I finally get my gear up and running. I seem to have been saying that to myself for months now.

I am retired, but I seem to have such a lot to do. Computer repairs, Alternator repairs, starter motor repairs. My time in never my own.

Who' started playing a flippin violin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How cool is that? Ace shot Phil!

I can't tell but I'm guessing that the colour is the same for all parts of the image in one frame?

Now I just need somebody to tell me how it does that.

Captain Chaos

How did I miss this one? Shame on me...

It's simple refraction. Looking at a bright point source through lots of air creates a prism effect, much like bad seeing causes a blobinator effect. The low angle to the observer causes the light to bend and split into its colored components, giving this colored twinkling effect.

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