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Look at the size of that thing......

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A lot of beginners are often amazed at how big scopes can be and recently there have been at least two threads I have seen where people have been amazed at the size of the box that arrived at their door after oredring online and never having seen what a scope looks like in its physical form...in some cases this leads to mighty disappointment when the would be astronomer realises the scope is so big he cant lift it, store it, transport etc.

To give the many beginbers who are arriving here a taste of the sheer size of some of this kit I am posting some pics in this thread to give you some sense of scale.....

To give you a comparison I am a 5'6" female of quite heavy build - I'm no nymph for sure....

First up heres a pic of me with a Skywatcher 130 PM mounted on an EQ2 and a Skywatcher 200P mounted on an HEQ5.


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There ya go - me in the flesh (ugh !) but I am willing to make these sacrrifices ;)

Hopefully this gives some beginners some help in their decision making and also avoid unnecessary disappointment when the fedex man calls.

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Good idea for a thread - thanks for posting. Anyone else want to pose with their equipement?

I don't have a scope, apart from my bird-spotter. And given my poor location and the endless succession of cloudy nights, I'm in no rush to buy one. But when I'm web-browsing scopes, I do wish the adverts would include the physical measurements. Okay, a scope on a mount is an awkward shape to measure. But even the size and weight of the box it comes packed in would be useful info.


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Excellent post! Having seen the pic of the 200p I am soooo glad I settled on the 127 mak! The wife would have killed me and my twins would have used it for a seesaw!!

I have to say, when my wife first saw the 200P she went ballistic. She was soon enjoying the Orion nebula, though. ;)

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Hi Astro-Baby,

A great thread for us newbies. Fortunately I had decided I am not buying anything without seeing it. Hopefully I will spot all that I am looking at on Friday when I go to Astrofest.

Best regards


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Very good idea Astro Baby, very useful. I agree with Maryinoxford re publishing dimensions and weights in ads. Surely not too much to ask of the manufacturers. I've spent far too much time trawling internet ads and making phone calls often with nothing to show for it.

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Thanks astrobaby, i think you might have been refering to my post from last week!

The thing is, although I saw the scope before i bought it, it completely passed me by to consider practical applications such as storage, ease of use etc, plus i swear it was smaller in the shop!!

However, my mistake has actually been a good thing as im off to astrofest to buy a much smaller scope, the WO megrez 72 after chatting to ian king today. Another massive plus is that i can take it on a plane and use it when i go to yosemite NP, grand canyon and death valley which apparently are great sites for a bit of viewing.

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Very helpful, great to get some scale. Comparative size of mount vs scope useful as well as I'm thinking of saving for a HEQ5. I remember looking at a 150pl and thinking blimy, it's just over 4ft long! Really useful to get some scale though. Why don't online scope shops show some scale, would be very useful?

PS No one else has mentioned so I will cuz I can, "quite heavy build"... not a very accurate description of youself!

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