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Hello members of the Lounge, I recently return to my hobby of Astronomy after a very long break...life and it's curves....

Two reason really, I'm a member of ATS and Astronomers skills are always required with some mystery or other and the second being my other half brought me a nice new Newtonian Reflector for Christmas....So needing to brush up on my skills, I joined this Forum for general help and advice and maybe I'll share the odd mystery brought up in ATS for your perusal. ;)

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Thankyou for the welcome.......ATS is a place for Conspiracies, Sciences, Mysteries that otherwise would have remained unknown to the public. AboveTopSecret.com e.g...... a topical 1.....Zeta Ophiuchi Tears Through Space, page 1 but they do have sections for absolutely everything........ the moon changing its angle or being hit by an asteroid recently all meant to be secret? A few more of the threads we delve into.

The telescope my wife brought me nothing too grand its a 706.jpg

Skywatcher Newtonian Reflector Telescopes - Reflector Telescopes by OVL The Skyhawk 1145P...

Its ok for a starting point. ;)

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Thankyou for the welcome.......ATS is a place for Conspiracies, Sciences, Mysteries that otherwise would have remained unknown to the public. AboveTopSecret.com e.g...... a topical 1.....Zeta Ophiuchi Tears Through Space, page 1 but they do have sections for absolutely everything........ the moon changing its angle or being hit by an asteroid recently all meant to be secret? A few more of the threads we delve into.

The telescope my wife brought me nothing too grand its a

Skywatcher Newtonian Reflector Telescopes - Reflector Telescopes by OVL The Skyhawk 1145P...

It's ok for a starting point. ;)

Doc, it's a great starting point... my girlfriend bought me one as well... I'm slowly getting to grips with it and have just invested in a Celestron Omni plossl just to see what a difference a new eps brings to my viewing pleasure... Chat soon enjoy!

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