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Hello from Leicestershire


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Hi everyone,

just a quick post to say hello, i'am a total newbie, just enjoying finding my way around the sky at the minute. Brought a scope last year but think i may have jumped the gun and brought it too early,as im not sure where i should be pointing it at:rolleyes: so i've gone back to basics learning to find my way around the sky. l look forward to chatting with you all :icon_eek:

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Hi Lezah

Welcome to the forum.

What are you using to find your way around. Most here use the free planetarium software Stellarium which is absolutely excellent as it gives you a real time picture of the night sky for your chosen location.

A book recommended again by most people here is Turn Left at Orion.

What scope do you have?



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Hi Lezah and welcome to the forum.

I don't thing you've jumped the gun as you now have the perfect excuse to go and find stuff and when you do, you will be in a position to enjoy! Google 'STELLARIUM' a FREE planetary program that will enhance your celestial knowledge and inform you what is up there at any given time, in any direction. I would recommend a good star map, a red torch to look at it outside so as not to effect your dark adapted eyesight (important for observing to maintain this).

There is a book, "Turn Left at Orion" which is for beginners who have modest scopes and which lists seasonal objects to find and instructs you where to look. Very useful book BUT if you can, wait till spring when the new edition is out as it will contained revised tables (eclipse dates, full moons etc) that will extend to a further 10 years use. The current edition's tables are only valid up to and including this year only and as its not the cheapest off books, would like you to at least get the maximum value should you want to resell it as you become more experienced. :icon_eek::D

Clear skies in the meantime


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Hi And welcome to SGL :icon_eek:

Both "Turn Left at Orion" and "Stellarium" are must have's for any beginner imho. Also "Sky at Night" and "Astronmoy Now" magazines are great for the monthly guides in the center pages. You'll quickly learn the sky and where to point with any combination of these.

We also have a local social group (East Mids Stargazers) that meet regularly for observing when the sky is clear. Click the link in my signature for details (or choose Communities at the top of any page and select Social Groups). :D

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Hi guys, thanks for your warm welcomes, I look forward to chatting with you all at some point. :icon_eek:

Yes I do use Stellarium as you all say it is great. I also use Google sky map on my mobile, so if I’m out and about and interested in a star pattern I can just point and find out what it is. Very useful tool.

I have not read “Turn left at Orion”, I like the DK books, which I have never seen anyone mention on here? I find they explain the vast subject of Astronomy in a clear and concise manner, I also like the way they show photos of the constellations so that I can see what pattern I should be looking for.

My scope is a sky watcher sky hawk 114 with an EQ1 mount. Not the best scope but unfortunately I was not advised well in the store basically the salesman told me that this scope would suit me as because I’m female it would be easy for me to carry around, true it is lightweight, but nothing was said about the optics which I have since seen reviewed as being very disappointing. Nevertheless I’ve got it now and have enjoyed seeing great views of the moon, and I have even seen Jupiter’s and its moons through it, though I think this was beginners luck!

I’m going to Rosliston Forestry centre on the 22nd for their “learn a telescope” workshop I’m very much looking forward to it, as I have struggled to use my scope and I think part of this is not really understanding how to use it so fingers crossed I’ll learn something and start chatting with all .

Thanks for the info about the East midlands group, i will join now thanks :D

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