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Solstice lunar eclipse from Aberdeen


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Beautiful event this morning. I saw it from around 7am when it was about 75% covered, until the moon set at 8.30, when it was total.



Almost total - star is 132 Tauri




It was amazing how it was swallowed by the twilight and the atmosphere as it set. It became almost invisible!

Time: 7.40-8.14am, 21st December 2010

Camera: Canon 450D on static tripod

Telescope (close-up): Vixen A80SS achro

Lens (wide): Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4 at 70mm

Exposure: 1/3 to 1.3 seconds, f/4.5-5, ISO 400

Hope you enjoy!


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Yep, superb! I am glad so many people managed so many good quality images of the eclipse (especially considering the weather atm!) I had no chance to see it so thanks to everyone that made the effort and shared the results :)

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Thank you for your kind comments :) And of course a Merry Christmas to you all!

Martin, I well remember the 2007 eclipse - it was a great event that I watched from start to finish. IIRC it was clear for most of the UK, so the whole forum was buzzing with sightings and images during the days that followed! :p

FIne images Andrew. Might be worth running the first three through Neat Image or Noise Ninja to see how they turn out. I shot at ISO200 but still found some of the images a little rough and needing NR.

Thanks for the tip, Dave. I do agree they are a little noisy. I was shooting untracked on a photo tripod, so used ISO 400 to enable shorter exposure lengths. This has contributed to the noise somewhat.

Must download the programs mentioned and give them a go. I used a bit of "Reduce Noise" filter in CS3, but it's probably not as powerful as those you mention :hello2:



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